Friday 13 June 2008

*Sings* Don't look up Just let them think There's no place else You'd rather be.

well. its kinda back too..
...don't say I'm just back cos Sam I was REALLY suprised cos I was thinking about blogging the VERY day before he posted.. Great Minds ^^

anyway. I'm feeling SHIT!
I don't even know why.
I just don't feel like eating, sleeping, or doing anything really.
I'm alone, again.

oh yes. I moved out in the end. and now, I'm moving back home - due to the love of driving.
I REALLY want to drive!
I think it's a better cause. plus I won't be such a loner ALL the time.
Well until that fateful day, this is me.

Boring with people. Bored without them.
Oh dear God I was just listening to the pixies =S

Well... I should have perhaps re read my blogs, to realise where I've been going wrong, but No.
I don't know if I blogged when I felt shite, I'm guessing so because when I feel crap I feel like blogging, just to get it out. But I won't go into too much, maybe my blogs depress =P

Maybe I should have a warning =P
well... i may be going out. forgot. there be a birthday thang going on.
kinda cheered me up.

i will.. probably post when I'm feeling crappy again.
or when i have more news.

ciao 4 now
xx loves 2 the readers xx