Tuesday 24 July 2007

Bored of singing... =( im rubbish

so wat if im naive?... i dont care. i still want a big fat summer 2 jump up and bite everyone on the ass! yes! DAMMIT I WANT MY SUMMER!

im suprising even myself, but damn it.. im not really lookin 4ward 2 college, i cudnt really care less, but dammit this summer was ment 2 be awesome, but fucking flooding etc has ruined it all... just realised... shit!.... must punctuate 4 mr tom... one min... ooosh an must stop the "..."/"dot dot dot-ing" =P riiite... take 2

So what if I'm naive? I don't care. I still want a big fat summer to jump up and bite everyone on the ass! Yes! Dammit! I WANT MY SUMMER! (So Far, So Good)

I'm suprising even myself, but damn it, I'm not really looking forward to college, I really couldn't care less, but this summer... was meant to be awesome, but the flooding etc has ruined it all.

*Continues blog*

Plans ruined, when are we supposed to have the "End of Year Bonfire?" adding to the pollution that is starving our beautiful country of it's gorgeous summer? I want to add to the crap in the atmosphere. I want to enjoy the beach =( I want a tan so I can feel as hawt as you all seem to think I am (And I know you think I am...)[Damn! Puncuating after so long of typing crap is difficult]

I think I'm running out of things to blog about, even though I haven't blogged since the 11th... I don't know what to say. Oooo! Hold on, I can talk about my latest illness, I seem to have a brain condition. I have headaches =( All the time, and I don't think I can keep blaming Lew for much longer =P... I wake up with them, and they float back during the day, anyone got any ideas about what could be causing them? I'd love to know.

Umm... (note capital letter ;) I'm getting the hang of this writing in English thing =P )
I'm getting tired, but I think I'll keep typing, just because I can sense the enjoyment while you're reading. Yes. You're thinking "DAMN! I wish I was The Bev" or "DAMN! I wish I had The Bev" ;) *Giggles* Woah I'm drunker, I mean, more hyper than I thought. [No I'm not drunk, I don't know why I typed that =S but yeh, it's fun, don't you think?]

I want to start writing something (OOOO SORRY! MUST SAY! BREAKING BENJ JUUST CAME ON! I love them. *sings* I'm all alone, out in the cold.... *sigh* what a song ^^)
Anyway, continuing, I want to write... I'm not sure what, or why... (creepy random fact...Did you know that you eat an average of 7 spiders in your lifetime [While you sleep usually]... not sure where that came from... but bet you shuddered =P...Don't worry... I did too when I found out)

Sod it, this blog is not complete, nor will it ever... sod it. I cannot be arsed anymore.

Thats It
The Bev


Lew said...

I can feel the sugar coated hyperness coming off this blog.=P
very fast pased and high tempo'd. =O=P

You are not bad at singing by the by. I've heared you, and its not nearly as bad as mine =P^^

who told you to punctuate? =S


The-Bev said...

dont u read?... i sed

"mr tom"
im guessing u know who that is;)
