Monday 30 April 2007


well hi! im alive.. i made it bk from starbucks, with only a headache to prove it. too much coffee is not good =P but twas good then =) i luuuuurve starbucks, and i reeeealy want a job there =(... but we shal hav 2 wait and seee... wen i actually apply =P

posting... i cant really b arsed 2 b honest... *rolls eyes*... i know i hav lots 2 blog bout... but, meh... umm... sod it.. i'll type... and waffle on tis u click the magic "X" at the top... u know the one, i bet you're used 2 using it on this page. u must b great friends by now =P

k... well... starbucks, im applying for a job, i think everyone shon the crazy light on me infront of the manager guy... he'll either b impresed with my love for coffee or think im a total freak... we shall c 2 weeks after i giv in my application...

sod it, im 2 tired... been chatting... used all energy 4 that. shall post 2moro... =)



just like 2 saaay... im feelin muchos better. thanks for those who were conserned...(Richy =P ... either no1 reads or ur just the only one who cares. but thanks anyway)

anywhoooo i cudnt get my damn fone wrking so there was no other half to that post, just right on to a new one.

now... u may wonder y im happy, and har har, u can know =) im off 2 starbucks land... like... soon.. was gona say now... but i still hav abbooout 15 mins.. kinda depends on how long this takes... actually... bugger it... i shall get ready 1st..giv me a min..

hmm wat shoes... *ponders*... sod it. normal conversessess will do ... riiite... woops... gota a lil carried away... ooosh... anywhooo nxt post... im thinkin one on mr.richy cos i promised... a while ago, and havnt got round 2 it... *makes note* shall b done. i shall hopefully do it laters wen i get bk frm coffeee-land =)

oosh an i also need 2 post about the 90's cos me an sam had a lil talk =) umm also maybe a prom post ...

riiite i think imma hav 2 leave it there im afraid...

off 2 starbuck land


Friday 27 April 2007

Semi Post.

decided 2 post... i'm feeling odd... oddly ... unhappy, and its been a while ...very odd feeling to be coming back to me. i've been used 2 small unhappiness for... a while... but this is something different, im not too sure what... i just dont feel well... happy...

i have things to do, things i should be worrying about... things to keep my mind busy, but i keep drifting off into a whirlpool of crap really....actually to be honest, after being disturbed twice.. from this post, a post i thought would be... a good one... perhaps?... or atleast better than the last... i cannot be bothered to keep writing... if i figure out how 2 do this on my fone, i may giv it ago, but as for now... i think this is all... i do not have the energy to waffle on about pointless crap at the moment...

ta...for reading a semi-post..

The Bev

Tuesday 24 April 2007


I decided not 2 post again yestarday after i made pasta, cant make this become a habit now can i ? =P soon you will all die, with too much of the bev who knows the effects it could have?!..

anywhoo didnt get a damned reply frm "The Bitch" shes avoiding me, and wat a slag she is. i'll brick her house, its ok =)

bk frm skool, just sitting, thinking, listening 2 moosix... um... bout 2 get ready 2 watch the scarlets get stuuuuffed =) oosh shall b gd. been yearbooking today... actually i'll start at the begining, where all good stories start(or so i've heard)...

so, i woke... 8.15 (*hi5 sam!*) the latest i hav in a while. all ready to leave by 8.30... i opened the door and i froze, my little brother, being the lazy sod he is, was still in bed... and it was raining... quite alot... me being the "sugar cube"(will melt in rain =)..) i am i took a few steps back inside, and began to rush people around in order 2 get a lift. in the end, it worked. got to skool at 8.40 and just in time. magic.

science - and a small laughing fit about a small girl locking herself in the school toilets, for "undisclosed" reasons, we all had our take on it, and all had a laugh... but i .. cudnt stop laughin, all eyes on me for a lil while *shudders* and... my goofy laugh echoing around the room... oh well... twas fun... we didnt get our damned yoghurt tho =(

break came and i wondered if sam had made an appearence yet. he hadnt. i was to be alone in geography.

geography - boring, crappy, average, sam appeared, exam practice, OH YES! Sam appeared! wasnt too magical, i was expecting more of an enterance, but there was one atleast. i filled in my starbucks application and smelt coffee for the rest of the lesson.

lunch. suprisingly depressing, the day i needed a teacher, the day they disappear. it was amazingly unhappy this lunch, and i couldnt stand it, but *sings* dancing in the moonlight kept me going.

ahh the afternoon.arrived, and time for yearbooking. me and sam, being the amazing people we are, hav special priorities, must better than double d.t and drama =P but anyway. i now hav... dun dun duuuuuun STAFF PICTURES... on my fone = its scary. i dont like it. they will be deleted as soon as they r transported to the magical computer. me and sam, finished by the 1st hr, and decided to sit around in our office for the remaining hour. we chatteded, hugdeded, told a strange person we were having sexy time =) har har. our office, is now.. the sex grotto... perhaps, i'll run that by sam soon =P... anywhoooo

bored of typing, things to do... thanks for reading this crap guyses

this post. was amazingly crap compared to what i wanted it to be... but i cant remember my aim for this post. too late. oh well... har har.



Monday 23 April 2007


grr. things may be going well in terms of me moving out.. i think... i've suddenly decided im not so keen on moving out... i REALLY want to, but while all my friends can spend money on stuff they want ... i hav 2 pay rent... its gona b hard=(

i gotta get thru exams 1st tho, so i'll kick off with this damned french oral. i cant learn it this yr. i dont c the point, i freeze up and will end up failing anyway. i learnt it pretty damn well last yr an the yr b4, this yr. seems like a waste of time...i shud hav gon 2 starbucks... cept

i hav no money, and i need 2 cut bk... and... imma cookin pasta in a bit =P

still feelin prety crappy, i wana 4get bout silly french, and silly exams... and silly moving out and growing up. i just cant wait for things to be ok, me to hav money, happiness and free time... gona take work to get there if i ever can tho.

with the luck of my family its all gona go wrong soon. i can feel it, every good thing is followed by about 3 bad things which slowly kill...and will keep killing.

i shud be revising, but i cant.

i shud be atleast sitting up not being lazy, but no, im relaxing in the chair, leaning bk, legs up on the desk, keyboard on lap... if i can reach my fone i think i'll take a pic... if i can... make it look.. human =p feet r amazing, just turned on the lamp ready 4 my pic... after this i think i may actually wrk... wait, i wont...imma gona go make pasta =)

woosh that was fun...sooo... if i can reach the cable u can c how lazy im being... =P its really fun... i just added sum songs on itunes with just using keyboard.... its fun =)... if only there was a human online, all the fun humans r revising or starbucking... as for me, i am not human.... im siting her blogging =) just cos im THAT amazing.... i will work soon tho... i think....

just... finish this... then... pasta... then i'll wrk... wen i get bored i'll start yearbooking...

WHICH REMINDS ME! any 1 hav any ideas bout wat can b put at the end of a yr11 yrbook.... b4 we're shipped off 2 that college place =P


thank yoo 4 reading, enless u got bored and skipped til the end. then GO BACK AND READ! its not that bad, honest =)

*sings* Everybodys daaaancing in the mooonlight =)

Happy Happy. ish.



i think i'll utilise my mouse/"squeek-squeek" for the publishing of this post, its looking rather cold and lonely over there....

WOOOPS! almost 4got my pix... one moment please....*reaches for cable...* got it!... just a 2nd..awh... i had 2 utilise my mouse.. =(
that tis my feets... on my desk... lol.. ahh tis comfy =) will b gettin up 2 go pasta-ing soon tho.
*awaits reply*... *begins to whistle*....
will post again, after pasta, i shud hav a reply by then...
Enjoy Random Reader!

Thursday 19 April 2007

Well Hi!

Howdee Random Reader,

Decided to restart my blog-ness (old one being because it’s "ALL THE RAGE" at the moment =)

Umm... just going to be complaining 4 a while I guess =P it’s what I do best *cheesy thumb up*... well... umm let’s go!

I'm the Bev =)...I don’t know what to say... hmm...I don’t know if I should start a new blog... I’ll just get bored again... or I’ll say something stoopid or.... *shudders*

Been reading thru my old blog, realised how much crap I talk, and how dare I let u beautiful people read such crap. I do apologise, this may keep me sane... almost like a diary thing, but ... not... I think... when something fun/interesting/major-ly huuuuge happens I’ll just chuck a post on here, I don’t think I really have the energy to do it though... unless... *ponders* when I’m in bed a little later I’ll have a look an see if I can post one from my phone... then I cud do one in bed every night as I try to fall asleep... if i can b arsed...
my life isn’t really fun enough =P but anywho... as I’m sitting here typing I’m still trying 2 decide whether 2 post this... its all going to come down to the final moments when I feel my mind has gone blank and my mouse makes its way to the "publish" button... in that one moment, I can be taking up valuable time of your life. It’s quite an impact... without this post... u can read something perhaps WORTH reading... and if I click the button... your reading this...crap... and you've probably realised its reeeeeealy not worth the time =p but oh well. too late now... if I post this anyway...see how I’m feeling I supposemany times I’ve written something (usually emails) really deep stuff too, actually means hell of a lot, 2 me anyway. but then I change my mind and just close the damn window I’ve been typing in for hours, and have just given up writing because I don’t want to know what other people think... or how people will react etc etc =p... anywhoooooo on to something ... fun?... we'll seethis is really long... I think i maaaaaaay break it up, but I’ve said that b4... and then not... so ... um... I’ll keep going... har har, and I bet u just cant stop reading... strange thought of someone reading over this making sure I haven’t got spelling errors... not like abbreviated things...but... accidental spelling errors, odd thought =p ... now suddenly tempted to stop, and go back and change all the i's to I's and actually.... make its flow grammatically... oosh and should I... I think I will... rite, here we go...

i copied an pasted into word... well that was kinda sleepy... i think im going to give up this blog 4 2nite... i thiiiiink i'll post 2moro... and i mite post about today 2moro, kinda depends how im feeling.... hmm... anywhooo imma gona get bk into my sit-ups, i hav fears of geting fat and turing into my mother, so situps help=) then i shall disappear into my bed =) .... kk... soo im off

Love Yoo Guys... (if u are infact addicted 2 this crap =) its a bit... odd but if u like it, u'll get used to it... if not, i dont care =)

soooo bye bye

The Bev