Tuesday 24 April 2007


I decided not 2 post again yestarday after i made pasta, cant make this become a habit now can i ? =P soon you will all die, with too much of the bev who knows the effects it could have?!..

anywhoo didnt get a damned reply frm "The Bitch" shes avoiding me, and wat a slag she is. i'll brick her house, its ok =)

bk frm skool, just sitting, thinking, listening 2 moosix... um... bout 2 get ready 2 watch the scarlets get stuuuuffed =) oosh shall b gd. been yearbooking today... actually i'll start at the begining, where all good stories start(or so i've heard)...

so, i woke... 8.15 (*hi5 sam!*) the latest i hav in a while. all ready to leave by 8.30... i opened the door and i froze, my little brother, being the lazy sod he is, was still in bed... and it was raining... quite alot... me being the "sugar cube"(will melt in rain =)..) i am i took a few steps back inside, and began to rush people around in order 2 get a lift. in the end, it worked. got to skool at 8.40 and just in time. magic.

science - and a small laughing fit about a small girl locking herself in the school toilets, for "undisclosed" reasons, we all had our take on it, and all had a laugh... but i .. cudnt stop laughin, all eyes on me for a lil while *shudders* and... my goofy laugh echoing around the room... oh well... twas fun... we didnt get our damned yoghurt tho =(

break came and i wondered if sam had made an appearence yet. he hadnt. i was to be alone in geography.

geography - boring, crappy, average, sam appeared, exam practice, OH YES! Sam appeared! wasnt too magical, i was expecting more of an enterance, but there was one atleast. i filled in my starbucks application and smelt coffee for the rest of the lesson.

lunch. suprisingly depressing, the day i needed a teacher, the day they disappear. it was amazingly unhappy this lunch, and i couldnt stand it, but *sings* dancing in the moonlight kept me going.

ahh the afternoon.arrived, and time for yearbooking. me and sam, being the amazing people we are, hav special priorities, must better than double d.t and drama =P but anyway. i now hav... dun dun duuuuuun STAFF PICTURES... on my fone = its scary. i dont like it. they will be deleted as soon as they r transported to the magical computer. me and sam, finished by the 1st hr, and decided to sit around in our office for the remaining hour. we chatteded, hugdeded, told a strange person we were having sexy time =) har har. our office, is now.. the sex grotto... perhaps, i'll run that by sam soon =P... anywhoooo

bored of typing, things to do... thanks for reading this crap guyses

this post. was amazingly crap compared to what i wanted it to be... but i cant remember my aim for this post. too late. oh well... har har.



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