Monday 23 April 2007


grr. things may be going well in terms of me moving out.. i think... i've suddenly decided im not so keen on moving out... i REALLY want to, but while all my friends can spend money on stuff they want ... i hav 2 pay rent... its gona b hard=(

i gotta get thru exams 1st tho, so i'll kick off with this damned french oral. i cant learn it this yr. i dont c the point, i freeze up and will end up failing anyway. i learnt it pretty damn well last yr an the yr b4, this yr. seems like a waste of time...i shud hav gon 2 starbucks... cept

i hav no money, and i need 2 cut bk... and... imma cookin pasta in a bit =P

still feelin prety crappy, i wana 4get bout silly french, and silly exams... and silly moving out and growing up. i just cant wait for things to be ok, me to hav money, happiness and free time... gona take work to get there if i ever can tho.

with the luck of my family its all gona go wrong soon. i can feel it, every good thing is followed by about 3 bad things which slowly kill...and will keep killing.

i shud be revising, but i cant.

i shud be atleast sitting up not being lazy, but no, im relaxing in the chair, leaning bk, legs up on the desk, keyboard on lap... if i can reach my fone i think i'll take a pic... if i can... make it look.. human =p feet r amazing, just turned on the lamp ready 4 my pic... after this i think i may actually wrk... wait, i wont...imma gona go make pasta =)

woosh that was fun...sooo... if i can reach the cable u can c how lazy im being... =P its really fun... i just added sum songs on itunes with just using keyboard.... its fun =)... if only there was a human online, all the fun humans r revising or starbucking... as for me, i am not human.... im siting her blogging =) just cos im THAT amazing.... i will work soon tho... i think....

just... finish this... then... pasta... then i'll wrk... wen i get bored i'll start yearbooking...

WHICH REMINDS ME! any 1 hav any ideas bout wat can b put at the end of a yr11 yrbook.... b4 we're shipped off 2 that college place =P


thank yoo 4 reading, enless u got bored and skipped til the end. then GO BACK AND READ! its not that bad, honest =)

*sings* Everybodys daaaancing in the mooonlight =)

Happy Happy. ish.



i think i'll utilise my mouse/"squeek-squeek" for the publishing of this post, its looking rather cold and lonely over there....

WOOOPS! almost 4got my pix... one moment please....*reaches for cable...* got it!... just a 2nd..awh... i had 2 utilise my mouse.. =(
that tis my feets... on my desk... lol.. ahh tis comfy =) will b gettin up 2 go pasta-ing soon tho.
*awaits reply*... *begins to whistle*....
will post again, after pasta, i shud hav a reply by then...
Enjoy Random Reader!

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