Monday 30 April 2007


well hi! im alive.. i made it bk from starbucks, with only a headache to prove it. too much coffee is not good =P but twas good then =) i luuuuurve starbucks, and i reeeealy want a job there =(... but we shal hav 2 wait and seee... wen i actually apply =P

posting... i cant really b arsed 2 b honest... *rolls eyes*... i know i hav lots 2 blog bout... but, meh... umm... sod it.. i'll type... and waffle on tis u click the magic "X" at the top... u know the one, i bet you're used 2 using it on this page. u must b great friends by now =P

k... well... starbucks, im applying for a job, i think everyone shon the crazy light on me infront of the manager guy... he'll either b impresed with my love for coffee or think im a total freak... we shall c 2 weeks after i giv in my application...

sod it, im 2 tired... been chatting... used all energy 4 that. shall post 2moro... =)


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