Friday 27 April 2007

Semi Post.

decided 2 post... i'm feeling odd... oddly ... unhappy, and its been a while ...very odd feeling to be coming back to me. i've been used 2 small unhappiness for... a while... but this is something different, im not too sure what... i just dont feel well... happy...

i have things to do, things i should be worrying about... things to keep my mind busy, but i keep drifting off into a whirlpool of crap really....actually to be honest, after being disturbed twice.. from this post, a post i thought would be... a good one... perhaps?... or atleast better than the last... i cannot be bothered to keep writing... if i figure out how 2 do this on my fone, i may giv it ago, but as for now... i think this is all... i do not have the energy to waffle on about pointless crap at the moment...

ta...for reading a semi-post..

The Bev

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