Friday 18 May 2007

<3xXx My Lew xXx<3

well... i can go on for aaages.. and aslong as its longer than riches post then i dont think lew will mind. well... umm i will lose my eyes and just let go ^^

listening 2 our song baybee ^^
i can listen over and over... and think of you for even longer than that!
its early morning, and i wont sleep until i blog this... well, umm... i love you. i never EVER thought i'd feel like this.. .not at 16 anyway. but... i do =(
i shudnt, i shud b concentrating on other things, but i am concentrating on you.
so many songs i can listen 2, an just drift away an think of you. all nite tonight, i was just waiting to go home and to talk 2 u, when i realised how sweet i can b, all i wanted to do was to come home an hav cwtches... or... talk about them atleast... an here i am.. i want huggles, cuggles, cwtches, kisses. i love u so much and i neeeed you.

never let me go, and i'll never let you go.
we are stuck together =P not that im complaining =P

i'll go thru little parts of our histoire as i hav done...
we met... in crosshands, cinema-ing.. didnt really talk to yoo. gutted, wat a waste =P
we met...again... in pizza hut ^^ for mr.daniel figz birthyday the day b4 i started yr 11 an u started college... i dont remember talkin 2 u much then either.. again, a lil waste
a few random meetings in bont later, and we began talking more and more... and u did do a little stalkin 4 my msn address =P... then
13th october 2006, bulbs 18th, what a night! i dont know how it happened, but i was glad it did.. that night... i wont forget...
lots of stuff happened between then and now, and not all good, all that matters 2 me now, is my lew... who i love more than anything, i did regret leahs bday... DID... but, now, i think it may hav been the best thing ever.. i cant imagine my life without u, u r the biggest part of my life, u r my glue, u r keeping me together.

I Love You.

Theres nothing yoo can do =P hehe

(this post is muchos better than richys dont yoo think?...)

i am so madly MADLY in love with you, i will never hurt you. i will look after you, and i KNOW u'll do the same ^^
we r perfect together ^^

You really are my world, i CANNOT live without you.
I'd be lost without you.

*sings* There's something i cant quite explain, Im soo in love with you. you'll never take that away... and if i said it a hundred times before... expect a THOUSAND more! u'll never take that away..

i want cuggles, i want to lay on you, and listen to your heart beat and listen 2 it speed up when i say i love you.

*sings* i feel like i can fly when i stand next to you

i want to sleep on you, i know u will bring me sweet dreams ^^

(look! i can b sweet! *looks coote*)

*looks at time.*. 3.07...its saturday...i will c u 2moro. WILL. i must =( even if its just a little while, i will see you. i'll huggle yoo and tell u i love u an disappear if i thats all the time i have.
aslong as u gets a huggle ^^ i guess i shud sleep. so i wake, b4 u wrk. i'll try and be on msn b4 u disappear to wrk.. or wen u get bk...

Love You Always Shweeeeeeetie!!!!!! ^^

you are my world

1 comment:

Lew said...

=D this smile *points to face*.. although you cant see it.. its MASSIVE! =D

if im your glue... then your my paper mache^^ i will blog about you in a moment.. will be indepth and detailed too=P

love you
