Thursday 31 May 2007

...That Question...

Recently i was faced with a question;

What do you care about?
i didnt answer very well at the time... but i thought about it more.. and my answer is....

i hav no idea... i did have alot writen for this, but... i read over it, and it got smaller and smaller... and this is wat its become... um..

i've been thinking a little more, i think i'll sit here until i really cant keep my eyes open anymore, just waffling bout things i care about... only true care, is being happy... no matter where i am, i just dont want to be unhappy.
Love....I was thinking love... but, im not so sure... of course, now i am in love...i should care, i care about him... but... i thnk i could live without love, therefore i dont care about love... aslong as i hav my
Friends... i need a social life, without it, i thnk i'd feel pathetic and alone. friends make me happy so friends are a care of mine.
Fun... no matter what i want to have fun. i will hopefully be moving out soon, it may suck the fun out of somethings, but.. i will hav a substitute. i will have fun. i will be happy.
Education... umm..not so much, i think i've learnt most of the basics... theres some more to be learnt, but now education isnt compulsory, therefore people can get by on what i already know. the rest is a want. i want to be more knowledgable...
Success... i guess, aslong as i have a job that i like and is good pay at the end of it all thats all i could ask for

but.. to be honest.. it all just leads back to happy. so to sum up. i have one care.
i've been pretty vague, as i dont want to go into too much detail, so i dont depess u guys, or myself further. i've had enuff of that crappy feeling for one evening, i think now i'll just sleep it off.

I'll leave u with a message that...
All Is Good.

The Bev


Unknown said...

Glad to hear it :)

I agree with most of your reasoning, you truly are a sane person heh

Lew said...

Love....I was thinking love... but, im not so sure... of course, now i am in love...i should care, i care about him... but... i thnk i could live without love, therefore i dont care about love... aslong as i hav my friends....