Friday 18 May 2007

Been A While...

Woah, realised its been quite a while... im sittin in my usual blogging way.. just because then i know i'll keep writing cos im comfy=P so here we go...

since i last blogged... well.. we had prom..and an after party (which fucked up my head an i WISH i remembered a lil more about it, just 2 clear a few things up...) we finished the yrbook... umm... well i think thats bout it... starbucks, but thats just usual events =P an we finished skool. there is... no more ('cept 4 exams)

so... start with prom... it was amazing! i think even tom had a better time than he thought =P lol, that maybe just cos he talked to sum turk-ish teachers about rugby for... quite a while =P... anywhoo... i was prom queen ^^ was amazed...every1 else, wasnt so amazed. lol graham was my king ^^ legend! XD anyway... prom, was good... reeeealy good... one of the best nites ever, soon it was over and time for the after party... well... i got there, and just... headed to the alcohol... it was great... i think... i remember... small bits... but slowly more and more...

anyway... i sed stoopid things, which i hardly remember, and i had 2 clear it up the nxt day. it's left me in a stoopid state of mind. i wont go into it. but yeh... not the best at the mo... but still... better than usual. thinkin about this is starting to get 2 me, so.. next topic...

skool. its gone... now the people who mean alot 2 me... will have 2 start makin efforts =P... i cant wait... people who i want to c... will b seen! people who annoy the hell outta me, will b avoided. and i cant wait! will miss the "skool way of life" it was easy, got used 2 it =P was comfy... =P anyway. those of u who i've grown fond of, will not escape me, and for that i apologise =P but it cant b helped!

i'll c u guys in college ^^

love u always =)

(that wasnt the end =)... just a message 2 those trying 2 escape *evil laughs*)

anywhoo, sum events frm the near future... i hav... work =).. dnt think i sed i'm wrking now! which means!! IM ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE ESCAPE OF THIS EVIL HOUSE! i cant wait ^^ i'll be free... ish ^^ =) and i will hav people who love me around ^^ yay!

anywhoo i wrk ^^ and im wrkin later, then im being made 2 go.. dun dun duuuuuuuuun to like.. a party .. thing... for boss steph's bday. 60's style *shudders* im gonna look... awesome? =P lol.. we shall c... hmm i think im running out of things 2 say...

but i'll keep waffling anyway... i think..., i think i'll leave this now. b4 u all want to die, i would like very much for u to keep coming bk 2 read. ^^ no matter how boring u find this =)

anywhoo there'll b more posting soon!

oooo wait! SOME WAFFLE!

(WOAH ALMOST LOST THIS WHOLE POST! thank yoo blogger for saving the drafts automatically *breaks down in happy tears* )

anywhoo bk 2 waffle... exams!... hav my 1st 2 on tuesday (22nd), english lit and i.t.. i think i'll post after thems ^^ an keep u up to date with everyday crap, as always!

k... i think thats all... so.. umm...


The Bev