Tuesday 1 May 2007


=) Well hi! Getting a lil sleepy, but thought i would do the post i promised =)

The legend himself.

although the paper says otherwize...

....mines a tad more accurate!

anywhoo... Meet Richy. He be awesome. One of my bestest buds =) always there pour moi, always happy 2 listen 2 my crap. and actually one of my few blogger fans =P (thats also me by the by... yer... not good eh? =P)

Bk to Richy... it all began a while ago with a small forum. called Magpie =) hell yea! Pink Sox! XD that game... true genius. anywhoo chit chat began(mainly with my sister, but also lil chats avec moi) and aqaintance was made. occasional chats was what we did best!

talking declined =( and life moveded on....
but then!
Hide and Seek! XD... *hides*
and our aqaintance became a friendship ^^ and wat an awesome one tis.

now. we talk.. alot =P... although exams will be trying 2 hold us back. they will not prevail. we are too awesome. talking... deep talks, one of the few people i feel who can help.. *smiles* and i try to help in return..
Richy be a biiiig part of my life now =)
MSN is no fun without yoooo and summer will indeed rawk. *grabs bucket and spade*

anywhooo thats how this amazing-ness occured.
and it will keep going goddamn it! *nods*

Chit Chat Mr Richy. Yoo Legend!=)

The Bev

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