Saturday 30 June 2007

*Sings*... Oh No... Wait. SILENCE XD


"sorry i cant work today, i reeeealy dont feel well... at all"
"yes... im sorry"
"... cant work on carnival day?..."
"no... im sorry"
"..wel... i think we should call it a day then..."
"... i think we should call it a day"
"... um ok =) bye then"
*hangs up*

Shit. i need a job ^^ =P

Atleast i dont work with scummy fookin people! ... unles i do indeed get a job in turktown =P (hehe)

YAY! Need monies ^^

go me!
The Bev

*Sings* And Now Im In Over My Head For Something I Said

Blogging Spree!

Woop! XD
anywhoooooooo i remembered my dream 4 the 1st time in ... AAAAAAAAGES! and what a dream it was =P lol *reminises* *giggles* teeheehee
it was set at skool, with a few of my closest friends[yr 11 friends. as it was at skool] and we had finished skool but decided to go bk anyway just to hang out, so while kids were in lessons we snuck around skool looking 4 empty rooms. when we found one we'd hang around/mess around in it until the buzzer, then we'd hide until all the kids had settled in their next lesson. we found Mrs Garners English room was free, so we watched a film, but Mrs Hoyles(Tom and Lews Mum) came in and told us all off =S and told us to go home. but we didnt of course XD =P we carried on watching the film but slowly people disappeared... dont really remember much of the ending... then i woke ^^ =P funny dream =) woop!

i got work today... supposidly... but i have a headache and dont really want to dress up like a pirate infront of work collegues that hate me. i doubt it will be entertaining. so i'll fone in sick a lil later i suppose. i want 2 go in, i need the money... but... i feel lost and lonely working there so... i'll go job hunting... i think i'll fone in sick then go out job hunting everywhere after the race has finished of course cos i'll b requiring a lift... unless i get my mum 2 take me... hmm we'll c... i NEED a job. im thinking... dun dun duuuuuuun TURKTOWN!.... or Gors... dont really want 2 go 2 turktown, not just because of the "friendly" environment, but also because its a lil outta the way.but if theres nothing else then... it'll do. it'll b beter than being hated for something i didnt do and no1 even did. but oh the words of... frank sinatra(i think)... "thats life."

anyway im sitting here in my luuurvely pjs, thinking bout my dream... thinking bout job hunting ^^ thinking about house hunting. thinking about happiness (WHICH WILL SOON BE MINE DAMMIT!*crosses fingers*) eeek!

anyway, best b off... gona go c if/wen i can go job hunting and *gulps* i shall fone in sick 2 work.

byeeeee bye then!
The Bev
Love You Readers.

Friday 29 June 2007

*Sings* Why Do I Feel This way?...Why Do I Feel?... Why?.

duno y im blogging really... just feeling pretty crappy and full of thoughts and decided to channel them in some way.


ok so i've left it a lil long 2 actually write this post.... kinda ok now, but not... meh, sux 2 be meee!XD =P

dont really feel in a blogging mood... hmm... i shud start a Vlog=P did plan 2 a while ago... hmm... maybe if i liked myself a lil more i wud.. hmm cud do 1 an c i supose... or not ^^... nah nevermind =P

i've been thinking about... things, its really not good... when i think i feel bad and think more and it a downward spiral ... i just feel like crashing in bed about now, but i cud go 4 a hug =P i want my friends 2 b with me, i want 2 move out so i can actually get that. i want to be happy... i want to dream so i can c into my subconcious. i want sleep, so sod it. here i go

off 2 bed
The Bev

Wednesday 27 June 2007

*Sings* God Doesnt It Feel So Good Cos I Got Him Where I Want Him Nooow!

crap. lol just wrote sum...then it disappeared =S and saved nothing dammit!

pah. anyway... lets start again...
this post is about

The one declared most shitfaced just happened 2 be me, so.. this is my take on things..

muchos fun, good time with ffrinds... and we saw a horsey scratchin its bum on barbed wire ... ouch =P

it was good. even the cakey bits... even the shivering in the night...even the mysterious scratch on the arm...especially the company, and the minimal rain ^^

thanks to everyone for going, and looking after us all, and ..supplying tents =P

sorry to tom 4 keeping him away from the booze =P...even tho it wasnt urs 2 drink anyway ¬¬ hah. anyway, nxt time i'll share that lil bit more as i am prety damn lightweight anyway.

umm. i hav a cuple of pix... chicken... wine =P...i'll post and jonny i hope ur reading this!

... yes jonny that is wine... may i say.. Owned?
looks like sam stole all toms happy =P

har dee har. and... the chickens. twas delicious ^^...
here is tom. feeding the foxes =P

and here he is... after eating the foxes ^^.. *giggles*
doesnt he look full...and content with that meal
anywhooo it was a good nite. apologies for being a tad loud. next time i promise i'll b better.
yes guys. next time ;)

i was quite popular that nite, either Richy, Lew or Joe in the nxt tent foning/texting =p was quite entertaining... *giggles* i bet those who saw the flying fone thought so 2
and mite i say... quite a good fight for the best arse *shakes joe and toms hand* i do apologize sam...jamie?.. for not making the final, but i think the best man won: joe. congrats to tom for the fight. and joe heres your prize *hands arse shaped trophy*
stick that in your pipe and smoke it Lew. i did indeed also get complimented on my mighty fine arse ^^ so pah. u may not like it but others do.

richy. im sorry for the lack of replies for the txts. i will txt u now actuallement ^^
umm duno wat else 2 say... i bet theres something missing... i know i enjoyed an blah, but sams blog does say it all really... and yes, i remember most things sam said in his blog so i'll smile and nod and agree with those.
Happy Campers.
Good Night=P *looks at time... 3.46pm... yes. night..
GENESIS 2NITE! =... i hope its as good as it looks...[yes.sarcasm] =P will bloggage again soon... possibly later... depending on how 2nite goes etc.

The Bev

Saturday 23 June 2007

*Sings* The Ladybugs Came, To The LadyBugs Picnic

You may have noticed... the change in colour =P tis cos... i got bored... and meh... duno =) looks ok tho?... i hope ... anyway

sorting out all teh compooter stuffs b4 i goooo... gota make sure i got stuff backed up an got the stuff i wnt frm the server =P *giggles* house =)

anywhoooo kinda bored.... trying 2 figure out a way 2 c lew laaater... *ponders* must find out wats happening with mothers buggering off. we shall seeeeee

anyway. bored now... only lil post cos i cant b arsed 2 write much more and i got things 2 do

byebye now.

Thursday 21 June 2007

*Sings* Your Cries Are All In In Vain

i was happy... now not so much =S
i hate it...
y cant i stay happy 4 too long...this better not happen wen i move out... i swear i'll go crazy...

In Other News: Superman is a bastard! thank yoo 4 the shmiles sam =)

back to crap =)
i was happy... everything looked good... i couldnt wait 2 move out...and still cant... but... i just dont feel like it will happen =s not sure y... but... i dont feel as if it will happen, i want it so much and i dont think im that lucky.and if i am... sumthing has 2 go wrong, because apparently... by the looks of things im not allowed 2 b happy.

richy i am indeed magical... i can write so much, but thats because i have alot of crap 2 write about, and i bet u cud 2... i think u hav better things to do tho... *cough* tetris =P *giggles*

i dont know whats wrong with me. may be the missing out on starbucks AGAIN for work... that i need to do or i cant move out... maybe just me... maybe the thought of life fookin up once again

im so pessamistic =( i hate it! gah! i want 2 b happy! i want to be able 2 c the goodness in everything! *keeps trying*

its just me, i cant do much right, when things r going right sumthing happens an things start to go wrong.
i think imma start thinking of things to sort 4 any eventual moving

i think imma play sims... make a happy family ^^ =P make meeeeee! i'll go 2 uni... or... maybe i'll b all growd up an hav my kitty! =O hmm who wants 2 live with me??? =P

wooooooo (sarcastic "wooooooo" of course.) ummmmmm

off i go gaming with richy ^^

The Bev

Monday 18 June 2007

*Sings* Was It A Dream?

Goodbye to itunes.

i realised... itunes doesnt like surround sound. so DAMN YOU ITUNES! I now must learn 2 love.. WINAMP! gah... i dont wanna =( it smells.

and! i swallowed my dice! =( noooooo!!!!!!!
and! i duno... but... AND THAT ASWELL!

i have works again later... makin moneys =) woopy! must b banked so i can escape this hell hole i call a home. pah! im soooooo gona love 2 b away from here... if we can manage that is of course... im scared =P im gona b poor ... but independant!

i neeeeed to do this. all those who dont understand... one day i may tell you. maybe... proly not but ha! all u need 2 know is, i need this. =) and when it finally happens, u will c a new me. a happier me, one that CANT b shot down so easily... if all goes well that is...

where is every1? ='( im soooooo aloooone =( *giggles* gd thing i hav things 2 keep me busy ^^
hmmm well... i welcome bk my loud moosixes its been a while... mainly cos i spent the end of last week at the hoyles' house =P and wat fun =) and im sorry tom 4 being there 2 much, but friday was actually ur fault! ha! anyway. home now, and not planning on returning to their house 4 a while...incase they get scared im not leaving again =P and another reason but i wont bother explaining, those who know me best will alredy know anyway.

no more exams... no more skool... gonna miss it =P its odd =( but hopefully college will b just as much fun and summer even more =P
*begins to cry* gah, lots 2 do b4 summer kicks in... i needs summery clotheses =O or i'll overheat and die =P it shall b good

anywhooo havnt writen on here 4 a while... the blog and this post...been sorting music... but got bored now, cant b arsed.. i'll hav 2 do it again wen i move out so sod it... i hav so much shite music on here now... beyonce *sacarstic face* if i turn into a chav i blame my lazy side =P thank gaaawd theres even more good crap 2 balance it out =)

anywhooo bored now... u can hav this blog

The Bev

Thursday 7 June 2007

*sings* you're so damn hot!

phwoar, don't i know it!

howdee one and all. not quite sure why im blogging... dont have much else 2 do instead though...i have work in a cuple of hrs... but not much goin on til then.

no1 is online. and tbh im glad, it makes me think of other things i can do... which isnt v.much, i love music, so im sittin here listening as always, but no msn 4 me =) im blogging.. then i maay do that french listening thing i paid 60 WHOLE peeeeee 4! =P a bit of [no idea the percentage it counts 4 it] a gcse for 60p =P bargain! hmm, i wonder if they sell gcses on ebay ^^ *looks* ooo found sumthing ...

"OCR AQA GCSE Certificate - Novelty - Looks 100% Real
100% Exact Replicas Of Current Exam Bodies!"

£50 quid! free postage tho =P
lol. sum1's also selling geog and science coursework... all A*

anywhoo back to bloggage *closes ebay*

i met a hedgehog ^^ hes so damn kool! i shud go bk an visit him =P hes so awesome! =P i wanted 2 poke him, but i didnt wana get bitted... =(

wooooop =P

i think im getting happier cos its all disappearing ^^ i noticed, this blog is pretty damn happy =P compared to my recent ones. and i'd like to thank... whoever made my last exam in a week 2moro XD =P and of course me for attending all exams ^^ an maybe sum teachers [who arnt trying 2 kill me with past papers and extra revision sessions i cudnt giv a toss about ^^]

umm.. wat can i say... umm.. i got new speakers XD they look like bug eyes...or those binoculars frm toy story![which by the by i havnt seen in ages! =O so sum1... buy it for me =P i will love u forever] i shall take yoo a picyture...give me a min...
what yoo think??

hmm anywhoo maybe i can find sumthin 2 do... shall blog soooooon guuuys ^^


Love Yoo Guys!
The Bev

Monday 4 June 2007

*Sings* You Don't Care About Us

thought i'd blog... to keep my mind off the crap world im living in at the mo. thinkin i shud reeealy turn this blog into a big emo cloud of depression... but meh, i wouldnt want to do that to you guys. specially some of u guys *hi5s* (you shud know my fellow hi5ers =P)

anywhoo just felt like drifting away into the chair that keeps this ass cosy during these blog-ages and into the world of music - hense the name of the post. (which has sparked an idea, i miite name all my posts by a song im listening to at the time of the post start...but we'll c)

im hungree, there is sweet fa here. im tempted to eat my pengy-uin =p but i dont think i can =P still tis too damn awesome.

lol! im depressing XD XD XD how many "hmm"'s today?... well... if i was a liiiil more bored i would count, but alas i am not, or ever will be that bored.

2 exams 2day... geog and maths. geog was goooood. reeealy good, just hope the examiners think so 2... maths on the other hand... wasnt awful.. but wasnt gr8.. cud hav dun better if i'd known wtf was goin on, but i did make a funky hat - jst gutted cudnt hav my fone on 2 take a pic =P oh wellllllll. nxt exam is english language - paper 1.. im pretty bad at stories =p pretty bad at english, and if i do drift away during an exam then i'll come out all unhappy, so guys beware if i hav had a good writing time, then u will know it =P unless i snap out of it at the call of "5 minutes left" shall be interesting... maybe i shud do wat JP sed, lol ... prepare sum stories and just edit them 2 fit wat they want... but again, i hav no interest in exams, and am NOT that bored. this blog is keeping me entertained 4 now... and of course the thought of the AMAZING excitement of this evening - (i.e Not a whole lot)... hmmm maybe i will write a story.. or start my autobiography =P maybe not... i dont think im THAT bored

(wat a coincidence =O... wat songs this.. hold on...."Cake - Open Book" (cheers mr steer =P) first line... "shes writing a novel" =P awesome =P)

anywhoo bk 2 the exam.. i dont c the point... "write a letter to your great aunt thanking her for her present".. no point... now we have something called, a phone, or better yet... the internet =P... emails... and even INSTANT messengers. now that is technology =)

riiite, i'd better get bk 2 bitchin 2 my mum bout.. anything =) and i hav a form 2 fill in 4 tax or summat cos i now wrk..

Catch Yoo Guys Later!
Much Love

The Bev