Thursday 21 June 2007

*Sings* Your Cries Are All In In Vain

i was happy... now not so much =S
i hate it...
y cant i stay happy 4 too long...this better not happen wen i move out... i swear i'll go crazy...

In Other News: Superman is a bastard! thank yoo 4 the shmiles sam =)

back to crap =)
i was happy... everything looked good... i couldnt wait 2 move out...and still cant... but... i just dont feel like it will happen =s not sure y... but... i dont feel as if it will happen, i want it so much and i dont think im that lucky.and if i am... sumthing has 2 go wrong, because apparently... by the looks of things im not allowed 2 b happy.

richy i am indeed magical... i can write so much, but thats because i have alot of crap 2 write about, and i bet u cud 2... i think u hav better things to do tho... *cough* tetris =P *giggles*

i dont know whats wrong with me. may be the missing out on starbucks AGAIN for work... that i need to do or i cant move out... maybe just me... maybe the thought of life fookin up once again

im so pessamistic =( i hate it! gah! i want 2 b happy! i want to be able 2 c the goodness in everything! *keeps trying*

its just me, i cant do much right, when things r going right sumthing happens an things start to go wrong.
i think imma start thinking of things to sort 4 any eventual moving

i think imma play sims... make a happy family ^^ =P make meeeeee! i'll go 2 uni... or... maybe i'll b all growd up an hav my kitty! =O hmm who wants 2 live with me??? =P

wooooooo (sarcastic "wooooooo" of course.) ummmmmm

off i go gaming with richy ^^

The Bev

1 comment:

Lew said...

"hmm who wants 2 live with me??? =P"

*raises hand*

love yooo