Friday 29 June 2007

*Sings* Why Do I Feel This way?...Why Do I Feel?... Why?.

duno y im blogging really... just feeling pretty crappy and full of thoughts and decided to channel them in some way.


ok so i've left it a lil long 2 actually write this post.... kinda ok now, but not... meh, sux 2 be meee!XD =P

dont really feel in a blogging mood... hmm... i shud start a Vlog=P did plan 2 a while ago... hmm... maybe if i liked myself a lil more i wud.. hmm cud do 1 an c i supose... or not ^^... nah nevermind =P

i've been thinking about... things, its really not good... when i think i feel bad and think more and it a downward spiral ... i just feel like crashing in bed about now, but i cud go 4 a hug =P i want my friends 2 b with me, i want 2 move out so i can actually get that. i want to be happy... i want to dream so i can c into my subconcious. i want sleep, so sod it. here i go

off 2 bed
The Bev

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