Wednesday 27 June 2007

*Sings* God Doesnt It Feel So Good Cos I Got Him Where I Want Him Nooow!

crap. lol just wrote sum...then it disappeared =S and saved nothing dammit!

pah. anyway... lets start again...
this post is about

The one declared most shitfaced just happened 2 be me, so.. this is my take on things..

muchos fun, good time with ffrinds... and we saw a horsey scratchin its bum on barbed wire ... ouch =P

it was good. even the cakey bits... even the shivering in the night...even the mysterious scratch on the arm...especially the company, and the minimal rain ^^

thanks to everyone for going, and looking after us all, and ..supplying tents =P

sorry to tom 4 keeping him away from the booze =P...even tho it wasnt urs 2 drink anyway ¬¬ hah. anyway, nxt time i'll share that lil bit more as i am prety damn lightweight anyway.

umm. i hav a cuple of pix... chicken... wine =P...i'll post and jonny i hope ur reading this!

... yes jonny that is wine... may i say.. Owned?
looks like sam stole all toms happy =P

har dee har. and... the chickens. twas delicious ^^...
here is tom. feeding the foxes =P

and here he is... after eating the foxes ^^.. *giggles*
doesnt he look full...and content with that meal
anywhooo it was a good nite. apologies for being a tad loud. next time i promise i'll b better.
yes guys. next time ;)

i was quite popular that nite, either Richy, Lew or Joe in the nxt tent foning/texting =p was quite entertaining... *giggles* i bet those who saw the flying fone thought so 2
and mite i say... quite a good fight for the best arse *shakes joe and toms hand* i do apologize sam...jamie?.. for not making the final, but i think the best man won: joe. congrats to tom for the fight. and joe heres your prize *hands arse shaped trophy*
stick that in your pipe and smoke it Lew. i did indeed also get complimented on my mighty fine arse ^^ so pah. u may not like it but others do.

richy. im sorry for the lack of replies for the txts. i will txt u now actuallement ^^
umm duno wat else 2 say... i bet theres something missing... i know i enjoyed an blah, but sams blog does say it all really... and yes, i remember most things sam said in his blog so i'll smile and nod and agree with those.
Happy Campers.
Good Night=P *looks at time... 3.46pm... yes. night..
GENESIS 2NITE! =... i hope its as good as it looks...[yes.sarcasm] =P will bloggage again soon... possibly later... depending on how 2nite goes etc.

The Bev

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