Monday 18 June 2007

*Sings* Was It A Dream?

Goodbye to itunes.

i realised... itunes doesnt like surround sound. so DAMN YOU ITUNES! I now must learn 2 love.. WINAMP! gah... i dont wanna =( it smells.

and! i swallowed my dice! =( noooooo!!!!!!!
and! i duno... but... AND THAT ASWELL!

i have works again later... makin moneys =) woopy! must b banked so i can escape this hell hole i call a home. pah! im soooooo gona love 2 b away from here... if we can manage that is of course... im scared =P im gona b poor ... but independant!

i neeeeed to do this. all those who dont understand... one day i may tell you. maybe... proly not but ha! all u need 2 know is, i need this. =) and when it finally happens, u will c a new me. a happier me, one that CANT b shot down so easily... if all goes well that is...

where is every1? ='( im soooooo aloooone =( *giggles* gd thing i hav things 2 keep me busy ^^
hmmm well... i welcome bk my loud moosixes its been a while... mainly cos i spent the end of last week at the hoyles' house =P and wat fun =) and im sorry tom 4 being there 2 much, but friday was actually ur fault! ha! anyway. home now, and not planning on returning to their house 4 a while...incase they get scared im not leaving again =P and another reason but i wont bother explaining, those who know me best will alredy know anyway.

no more exams... no more skool... gonna miss it =P its odd =( but hopefully college will b just as much fun and summer even more =P
*begins to cry* gah, lots 2 do b4 summer kicks in... i needs summery clotheses =O or i'll overheat and die =P it shall b good

anywhooo havnt writen on here 4 a while... the blog and this post...been sorting music... but got bored now, cant b arsed.. i'll hav 2 do it again wen i move out so sod it... i hav so much shite music on here now... beyonce *sacarstic face* if i turn into a chav i blame my lazy side =P thank gaaawd theres even more good crap 2 balance it out =)

anywhooo bored now... u can hav this blog

The Bev

1 comment:

Lew said...

"anyway. home now, and not planning on returning to their house 4 a while...incase they get scared im not leaving again =P"

HAHAHA you came over today XP

whats the other reason? =S=S
