Wednesday 11 July 2007

... No moosix... My Names Earl on teevee....

god that guy is damn annoying =P... but that other guy, the fat one, is funny =P hehe

anyway! to the point... msn is being crap and annoying... even if i didnt alredy decide 2 cut bk its forcing me anyway. which just isnt gd, cos now i feel its not my self control =P lol but oh well.

umm... i dnt think i'll blog bout town, although it was =)... sams done a better job, so i'll leave it =P just take a look at his =P --->> links over there --->> although he didnt quite catch how scared me an becky were when the scary drunk/high chav wanted to take us out etc... i swear i thought he was gona just push past toms legs or jump over or something and come at us =P lol but phewwww it didnt ^^ XD

actually... i think i'll say a lil... frm my point of view =P...
twas normal as a trip to town normally is... except taking a short bus ride with 2 police..people =P that was ... odd... and perhaps me saying "TOM!"..rather loudly on the bus to inform him that starting nxt monday charmed takes the place of the beloved house at 12.30 everyday... but besides that, nothing 2 different... we reached town an went 2 castle square where we were meeting every1 and meet people did we do =P every1 came 2gether even a drunk on a bike, who fair play could ride rather well...assuming the cuts on his face werent from falling off...anyway we then all went our separate/seperate(cant be arsed 2 look it up) ways... we went... um... a la marche 1st... then got tix 4 oceans and then 2 dine!
if i wasnt saving money i wudda spent more, but as im quite poor, jobless, saving money 4 stephy-kins and wasnt 2 hungry... i had a coffee and chips and we all talked about tea drinkage, yes jonny its normal! teenagers CAN enjoy tea ^^ and me and sam pondered over my reachers name (im small..couldnt reach some things high up) wen wrking in the glam anyway, we enjoyed ^^ *RECOMMENED* [=P... if i cud remember the name of the place...] it was enjoyable, but dammit...didnt hav room 4 dessert! =P

eventually we arrived at the cinema to enjoy wat turned out to be our private screening of oceans 13 ...which again i shouted another name... rather loudly.. "Lloyd!"... i remembered my reachers name =P lol anyway... after getting a telling off from sam i got bk 2 watching the film, eating beckys nachos...and almost gravy tasting cheese and grahams popcorn which kept appearing infront of me...oceans was pretty damn gd, i likes how its so clever ^^ and doesnt try 2 hard 2 b funny ... but slips in a few moments ^^ twas good *RECOMMENDED*

the film ended... and we got up and left, commenting on how good it was, while i picked popcorn out of my belly button that had fallen down my top during the film... i was all clean and we hit the streets!

... a tuesday night.. and chavs where everywhere... standing at the bus stop, me, Becky, Sam and Tom... we were approached by a chav... he first offered sam and tom drugs and gave us advice and told us to pair up and get together... which we all found funny... when we said that we were good as friends he then asked the guys if he could take them off their hands... and ... me and Becky... were worried... he told us of how we'd hav an amazing evening, until he was interupted by the drunk bike guy again, but this time not asking for 50p, but for fags... after saying none of us smoked and proving to him a watch box was not a fag packet, we all enjoyed a little show he put on...revving up his bike as if it was a motorbike, something like wat the crazy frog (as sam noticed) would do... it was... rather amusing... ^^ they all backed off after that... and drunk bike guy found another mode of transport... in the form of a trolley ... he looked like he enjoyed... either that or as if he was about 2 spewwwwwwww ...couldnt quite tell.

the show continued with trolleys, walls, cones, car park and yet more chavs... the crazy bike guy eventually got out of his trolley after almost breaking a leg or 2 and got bk on his bike and chased crazy cone chav around the car park a little.. soon they all departed (to mcdonalds if we heard correctly) and the bus pulled up... and it couldnt have come sooner! =P
it had been a good day...

lol and i didnt wanna write about it... still think sams is better but hah! read mine 2 =)

today was good... ish... well... no... in parts.. =P
woke... 10.30 ish...i was proud considering bedtime was about 4. i tried 2 sort out sum events to fill my day, but my mother had planned differently... so instead of seeing lew, or going 2 stephs i sat in a car outside some random customer of my brother watching a man and his son do some type of DIY =S and played a little snake. eventually we left the spot i'd sat in for...frankly.. too long we made our way 2 tesco ¬_¬... wher i topped up and stocked up on sweets and general junk food... oo an ice cream... we then realised, we had to go bk home... to get my brothers fone to get "orange wednesday" its against my mothers religion to pay full price to c a film when theres an offer like orange wednesdays available... anywayyyy we went 2 the cinema (which was wat the whole thing was planned 4) and yes. i'd say... go c shrek 2 ^^ if u hav a childish side =)... its guuuuuurd... but.. im quite childish =)... it was still damn good!
i had 2 run out once... not because the story was too much to take or anything but my fone =O... steph needed monies 4 driving, so after the film finished we went on a hunt 4 an atm and got out
the money she needed and picked up... yet more things from a supermarket(not tescos this time =)... sainsburys) anywhooooo we went 2 stephs, sorted wats happening on friiiday and it was quite the happy little visit... we actually got on for the short amount of time we were there.

got home an the only thing bringing me down is the current situation of msn...and now dammit... its 2 late 4 sims... so i think i'll just grab a book an disappear into bed... did i say book?... i ment.. the remote of course =)'ll probably end up that way..

with that... i bid u ...

GOODNIGHT!... sorry i babbled 4 so long... woah i suuuuuure can talk =P lol

The Bev
(that took about an hr 2 write... while watchin my names earl... but... still an hr... ish...)

oooo play and win b4 bed?... i think so! ^^ yay!

byeeeeeee im going to play!... And.. WIN aswell as play... if i win... then... yeh.. anyway.. more babble, i'll b leaving u now ^^

hope u didnt die inside too much ;)

1 comment:

Lew said...

twas a good post =P you can talk.. but not as mucg as me ¬_¬ haha

NO MORE MSN *writes sign, signs petition, rolls out banner*

=P your on the patchxD im cold turkey.. im getting some withdrawl symptoms.. kinda ill still =(=\

anywho.. thanks for writing=]
