Wednesday 29 August 2007

dammn. winamp broke again *hits play* *sings* somethings gotta go wrong cos im feeling waay to damn goood

Well, here I am again. blogging update.

I am not moving out. Sisters don't like where THEY chose =S... so that it no more. but im oddly happy.
I don't want to live here. but I don't want to move out, maybe thats my childish side coming out, but I want money, I want stuff! I need stuff!
I need a camera... be is 35mm SLR or a digi SLR *crosses fingers* need 2 talk 2 college to see what I need.

I'm still looking 4 a job, so any ideas in the Swansea area do pleeease let me know.

Last night I came home from my weekend at Lews =P lol went to the beach on friday, went bk 2 lews and lived there until tuesday bout 6pm =P then home to bont for a little outage.

now I have cleaning to do, I was going to wait until I moved out but nooope. not now. imma sort things. It's quite the mess.

My List of things I want =)
New Bed ^^
New Desk?

umm... and clothes. I NEED CLOTHES 4 COLLEGE BUT NOOOOOO MOTHER STILL HASNT ORDERED THEM. She can hav a fookin slap ayye(H) gona go bug her now actuallement.

so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'll post sooons =)
The Bev

Sunday 19 August 2007

*Sings* Can We Pretend I'm Amazing?... Instead Of What We Both Know?

*sigh* this is not a happy blog... i cant b arsed... and no, i also cannot b arsed 2 punctuate or capitalise any letters =)

life seems to be spiraling at the mo *puts thumb up sarcastically*
i need 2 move out... i hate it here. i feel empty and shit here, and this is after spending a weekend in...
i cant move out... i need a job...
i cant get a job at the mo... the job i''ve applied for i wont know about for 3 weeks... and then i may not get it... so i need to go job hunting...
when i get a job i want to spend my money on things i WANT... not living on my own. i feel so shit having my fucking childhood ripped away from me because of my bitch of a fucking mother who has isolated herself from her children and will now be lonely for the rest of her life, only having meaningless TWATS online being fucked up FREAKS =) im sure she enjoys it tho, fake love.

i hate her so much. and yes im sorry readers its troo. u may say... "you shouldnt hate your mother" well i cant fucking help it... shes making me miserable =)

i want the life every1 else can have. they get jobs and can spend the money on something they want.. (LIKE A CAMERA ='( ) but me... i'll have to pay £50 rent a WEEK... and basically save £15/£20 depending on how good the job i [may or may not] get pays...when everyone else can spend their money i'll b paying 4 a better life =(... thats just "DARLING"!


Oh yes. i feel jolly good on this sunday evening.. sitting alone in my room... with no1 to talk to. well fuck it. i'll drown my sorrows =) or something.

*Turns up moosix*
*SINGS* Hey. I got my new shoes on, and suddenly everythings fine...
yeh i know i cant sing. but no harm in trying when theres nothing else to do and no1 else around ^^

yeh. well...
cloud of crap over.

The Bev

*Sings* I cry. I cry and I don't know why.The fever becomes my home...

Saturday 18 August 2007

*Sings* Fall Asleep With The Windows Open, Come To Me With The Worst You've Said and Done...Little Death Makes Life More Meaningful...

Well.. howdee.
It's been a while... and I'm not sure what I've been doing... Partay-ing, Been at Lews.. umm... small outage... town... um... and sleep =)

and now I have news. I'm moving out.. which probably means lack of internet over the new house for a while, so a lack of bloggage once again =P but i'll probably blog before I go anyway.

I'm sure I had loads to blog about when I decided to blog, but now it's all gone... I know the end *sarcastical thumbs up* .. which is basically me telling you I have to start packing and will try to blog soon...

Rugby today...Wales V Argentina =) COME OOON! XD wooo!!
um... ooosh and results on Thursday ^^ I can't wait...

...A few of us... not sure how many at the mo... are going up to Starbucks and are turning up at school with a coffee =) ... mainly cos me and Sam have planned this since... "revising" in Starbucks for Mocks or Yr 10 exams... or something =P and that's the plan. We'll be at Starbucks bright and early, and at school... early-ish =)

Hoping I do well ^^

ooosh! I'm also job hunting... had an interview yestarday and after having to buy myself a new "proof of life"/Birth Certificate... (which I realised last night has a mistake on it...), walking into the wrong building and being asked to make sure a sign was straight I made it on time ^^ and was interviewed. didn't take long and I'll find out how it really went in 3 weeks... until then... the search for a job continues so I can actually pay rent =)

Which reminds me... I have to sort out EMA ¬_¬

Busy, Busy... haha. In the end this blog wasnt toooo awful... but still as bad as they usually are... but har! You just read it so *laughs*

I'm off. packing to start ;)

Adios For Now

Bye Bye
The Bev

Friday 3 August 2007

*Sings* While we're on the subject, Could We Change The Subject Now?

Oh how I wish I could sing... gah. It sucks =P but oh well.Anyway, It's been a while... not a "Tom While" *Checks There’s Still A "Drunken" Tom Revising Pic Up**Tuts*! What a bitch. I read that blog... I read it... It's torture lol. It's a good read but here we all are suffering of boredom as he doesn't think of us =P lol hah! Well he's working now *laughs uncontrollably* While I sit here... bored... oh... well that's not as fulfilling as I thought, oh well =P

Back to MY blog =P I've had a good ... umm since July 25th =) ok...

Towned with my sisterrrrz and Lew and DanDidn't do muchos...had din dins, Lew got sum filmzes ^^ then back to Lew Town and slepteded over watched a couple of the filmzes

Towned with EVERYONE* =P
Simpson’s MOOOVIE ^^ twas pretty damn good ^^Back to Lews so I could get my bag ...then Looked after a drunk on the 27th =P
Every1 loves me now ^^ =P lol

Went to IKEA© and MacArthur Glen ^^ Got a new teeee1st time to IKEA© I luuurve that place... cosy beds <3 sleepy me =P twas good Had a choccy muffin too Got a new teeee from Vans Land ^^

Campeded on Oxwich beach ^^ was guuuurd =)There was walking, laughing, beaching, laughing, swimming, laughing, talking, laughing, drinking, laughing, talking, more laughing, swearing, laughing, watching sunsets, talking, SERIOUS MOMENT*(?), looking at the moon....


I think its safe to say I was at Lew's this day... no wait!CONTINUED CAMPING... Oh hold on... after midnight.... it was the 30th... *copies and pastes camping from above*.....Skinny dipping at midnight, laughing, running, laughing, talking, laughing, hugging, pic taking (Of the sky, not of the naked ones sorry =P) umm and in the end attempted sleep... and laughing.

As you can see it was much fun =P lol
one of the best camping trips I must say ^^ cept the damn gnat bites =P but they is vanishing slowly ^^

We slowly made our way up the beach towards the bus stop to get out of there before we were found out =P so we took a picture of Trampy, left his "life in a bag" in a large bin near Oxwich Bay Hotel (WOOO PROM!) and continued on our way to the bus stop.The bus came, and after a small dilemma about change where the people already on the bus helped out we were on our way, trying 2 remember everything that had happened the night before... I was right, It WAS AN AMAZING "night before" ^^ =)
We eventually got back to Swansea and then home =)I was very, very hungry as Tesco closed as I arrived and didn't have any food for camping, though I did steal cookies and Doritos =P Anyway I made my family go out for food to fill up my belly[bola =P] and then i went to Lews...and helped put a trampoline together ^^ Then I started to feel unwell =( all flu-ish... and I'm still not 100%

GAH HOLD ON! Moosix stopped =(...

ok so.. then went home

"Band Prac" lol it wasn't v.good, and I realised how crap I am at drums... I don't like them no more cos I'm not v.good =( but oh well... I don't mind. Went out 4 a lil kick about... umm then crashed on Lews sofa ^^

Went out shopping 4 cloootheses, I gots 2 pairs of jeeeeans and a posh tee.. Still need summer clothes ¬¬ so hopefully online shopping..Also saw Transformers =P lol I DID NOT ENJOY... How Cheeeeesy =P Then I got home late and slept.

Over Lews... just hanging around watching Lew and Hannah argue ¬¬ Good thing Lew's working now, so I can stay away 4 a while... haven't felt that awkward in a while =P

BLOGGING =P ... not doing muchos else 2day... maybe go out.... we'll c... but for now... this is all

Any Further plans?
Not really no... =P attempt to get sum money together 2 go up 2 Richy-Land... umm and get clotheses 4 beaching. Also results day is getting closer ^^ =) I oddly can't wait, not to get results, but STARBUCKS! =P lol it's been a while, and I want to go look sophisticated... I'm thinking NEW TEE =P lol how funny would I look... *Takes Note* It’s a plan! woooooo XDAlso hoping to get a little off road driving practice in so I will actually be able to drive when I'm 17 =) It's getting closer! XD can't wait! Plan is... apply 4 provisional... ooo SOON! This week =)Off road drive until 17, then go on the rooooad WATCHOUT GUYS Nov 8th. You guys r n trouble! =Palso ...17th Theory test... Then sum lessons... and then TEST! Hmm test b4 next summer =)

*sigh* I cannot wait =)

woooo! =)

Anyway... I think I’ve done enough blabbering....
Going to get bored doing something else instead... ooo HOUSE! Missed yesterday's... =P

Ok sooo... Hope I didn't bore you too much!

Bye Bye Then
The Bev