Sunday 19 August 2007

*Sings* Can We Pretend I'm Amazing?... Instead Of What We Both Know?

*sigh* this is not a happy blog... i cant b arsed... and no, i also cannot b arsed 2 punctuate or capitalise any letters =)

life seems to be spiraling at the mo *puts thumb up sarcastically*
i need 2 move out... i hate it here. i feel empty and shit here, and this is after spending a weekend in...
i cant move out... i need a job...
i cant get a job at the mo... the job i''ve applied for i wont know about for 3 weeks... and then i may not get it... so i need to go job hunting...
when i get a job i want to spend my money on things i WANT... not living on my own. i feel so shit having my fucking childhood ripped away from me because of my bitch of a fucking mother who has isolated herself from her children and will now be lonely for the rest of her life, only having meaningless TWATS online being fucked up FREAKS =) im sure she enjoys it tho, fake love.

i hate her so much. and yes im sorry readers its troo. u may say... "you shouldnt hate your mother" well i cant fucking help it... shes making me miserable =)

i want the life every1 else can have. they get jobs and can spend the money on something they want.. (LIKE A CAMERA ='( ) but me... i'll have to pay £50 rent a WEEK... and basically save £15/£20 depending on how good the job i [may or may not] get pays...when everyone else can spend their money i'll b paying 4 a better life =(... thats just "DARLING"!


Oh yes. i feel jolly good on this sunday evening.. sitting alone in my room... with no1 to talk to. well fuck it. i'll drown my sorrows =) or something.

*Turns up moosix*
*SINGS* Hey. I got my new shoes on, and suddenly everythings fine...
yeh i know i cant sing. but no harm in trying when theres nothing else to do and no1 else around ^^

yeh. well...
cloud of crap over.

The Bev

*Sings* I cry. I cry and I don't know why.The fever becomes my home...

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