Saturday 18 August 2007

*Sings* Fall Asleep With The Windows Open, Come To Me With The Worst You've Said and Done...Little Death Makes Life More Meaningful...

Well.. howdee.
It's been a while... and I'm not sure what I've been doing... Partay-ing, Been at Lews.. umm... small outage... town... um... and sleep =)

and now I have news. I'm moving out.. which probably means lack of internet over the new house for a while, so a lack of bloggage once again =P but i'll probably blog before I go anyway.

I'm sure I had loads to blog about when I decided to blog, but now it's all gone... I know the end *sarcastical thumbs up* .. which is basically me telling you I have to start packing and will try to blog soon...

Rugby today...Wales V Argentina =) COME OOON! XD wooo!!
um... ooosh and results on Thursday ^^ I can't wait...

...A few of us... not sure how many at the mo... are going up to Starbucks and are turning up at school with a coffee =) ... mainly cos me and Sam have planned this since... "revising" in Starbucks for Mocks or Yr 10 exams... or something =P and that's the plan. We'll be at Starbucks bright and early, and at school... early-ish =)

Hoping I do well ^^

ooosh! I'm also job hunting... had an interview yestarday and after having to buy myself a new "proof of life"/Birth Certificate... (which I realised last night has a mistake on it...), walking into the wrong building and being asked to make sure a sign was straight I made it on time ^^ and was interviewed. didn't take long and I'll find out how it really went in 3 weeks... until then... the search for a job continues so I can actually pay rent =)

Which reminds me... I have to sort out EMA ¬_¬

Busy, Busy... haha. In the end this blog wasnt toooo awful... but still as bad as they usually are... but har! You just read it so *laughs*

I'm off. packing to start ;)

Adios For Now

Bye Bye
The Bev

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