Wednesday 29 August 2007

dammn. winamp broke again *hits play* *sings* somethings gotta go wrong cos im feeling waay to damn goood

Well, here I am again. blogging update.

I am not moving out. Sisters don't like where THEY chose =S... so that it no more. but im oddly happy.
I don't want to live here. but I don't want to move out, maybe thats my childish side coming out, but I want money, I want stuff! I need stuff!
I need a camera... be is 35mm SLR or a digi SLR *crosses fingers* need 2 talk 2 college to see what I need.

I'm still looking 4 a job, so any ideas in the Swansea area do pleeease let me know.

Last night I came home from my weekend at Lews =P lol went to the beach on friday, went bk 2 lews and lived there until tuesday bout 6pm =P then home to bont for a little outage.

now I have cleaning to do, I was going to wait until I moved out but nooope. not now. imma sort things. It's quite the mess.

My List of things I want =)
New Bed ^^
New Desk?

umm... and clothes. I NEED CLOTHES 4 COLLEGE BUT NOOOOOO MOTHER STILL HASNT ORDERED THEM. She can hav a fookin slap ayye(H) gona go bug her now actuallement.

so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'll post sooons =)
The Bev

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