Thursday 19 April 2007

Well Hi!

Howdee Random Reader,

Decided to restart my blog-ness (old one being because it’s "ALL THE RAGE" at the moment =)

Umm... just going to be complaining 4 a while I guess =P it’s what I do best *cheesy thumb up*... well... umm let’s go!

I'm the Bev =)...I don’t know what to say... hmm...I don’t know if I should start a new blog... I’ll just get bored again... or I’ll say something stoopid or.... *shudders*

Been reading thru my old blog, realised how much crap I talk, and how dare I let u beautiful people read such crap. I do apologise, this may keep me sane... almost like a diary thing, but ... not... I think... when something fun/interesting/major-ly huuuuge happens I’ll just chuck a post on here, I don’t think I really have the energy to do it though... unless... *ponders* when I’m in bed a little later I’ll have a look an see if I can post one from my phone... then I cud do one in bed every night as I try to fall asleep... if i can b arsed...
my life isn’t really fun enough =P but anywho... as I’m sitting here typing I’m still trying 2 decide whether 2 post this... its all going to come down to the final moments when I feel my mind has gone blank and my mouse makes its way to the "publish" button... in that one moment, I can be taking up valuable time of your life. It’s quite an impact... without this post... u can read something perhaps WORTH reading... and if I click the button... your reading this...crap... and you've probably realised its reeeeeealy not worth the time =p but oh well. too late now... if I post this anyway...see how I’m feeling I supposemany times I’ve written something (usually emails) really deep stuff too, actually means hell of a lot, 2 me anyway. but then I change my mind and just close the damn window I’ve been typing in for hours, and have just given up writing because I don’t want to know what other people think... or how people will react etc etc =p... anywhoooooo on to something ... fun?... we'll seethis is really long... I think i maaaaaaay break it up, but I’ve said that b4... and then not... so ... um... I’ll keep going... har har, and I bet u just cant stop reading... strange thought of someone reading over this making sure I haven’t got spelling errors... not like abbreviated things...but... accidental spelling errors, odd thought =p ... now suddenly tempted to stop, and go back and change all the i's to I's and actually.... make its flow grammatically... oosh and should I... I think I will... rite, here we go...

i copied an pasted into word... well that was kinda sleepy... i think im going to give up this blog 4 2nite... i thiiiiink i'll post 2moro... and i mite post about today 2moro, kinda depends how im feeling.... hmm... anywhooo imma gona get bk into my sit-ups, i hav fears of geting fat and turing into my mother, so situps help=) then i shall disappear into my bed =) .... kk... soo im off

Love Yoo Guys... (if u are infact addicted 2 this crap =) its a bit... odd but if u like it, u'll get used to it... if not, i dont care =)

soooo bye bye

The Bev


DairyMilkDevil said...

The Bev Is So Cool.

Lew said...

hello to you too!

like the post.. very.. psychic:| as you said checking spelling.. i was too:|
