Thursday 31 May 2007



decided 2 blog.. mainly cos i got a wireless keyboard an im sitting in my usual bloggage way, but wirelessly ^^ anyway... after a morning of sleep, and an afternoon of teevee and chattage, i hav come 2 the conclusion i wasted pretty much a whole day, it has peaked after some magic people appeared on the great MSN, but still, wudda prefered to hav done .. something.. and i've actually considered revision ^^ but we'll c...

anyway... the exams so far, havnt been as bad as expected, which is always a gd thing... but i cant help but think that i'll struggle with geog (mainly cos of my asylum of a class...) and maths just because of the rushing of the last few topics, but yeh. we'll c... if i revise i revise, if not.. then oh well... just hope im lucky.. which at the mo, has peaked a lil i guess.. depending on wat way u look at it... i survived a kitchen fire =P... wasnt much of one, but with no smoke alarms i guess im lucky (or not) to still b here... *idea sparks for new post*

hmm.. well... i rearranged my room on... umm monday =) cos i dislike things staying the same 4 too long... so yehh... even tho im ment 2 b moving out in the summer.... still thought its worth the final change of my room =P end of an era ... umm... phwoar blogging interesting stuff is pretty difficult.... cud just blog bout wat i've done, which usually ends up makin me feel like i've wasted poor your time but oh well... u wudnt come bk if u didnt want 2 waste time... by now u shud have realised i blog crap ^^ but the nxt post will b good.... i think... =P

ok so... lately... umm.. tom rebroke my knee =P cos i fancied a game of rugby ^^ twas gd excpt the crippling bit... but oh well. tis ok now... bruise is turning into a normal bruisey colour not the odd yellow thing it was b4.. now its PURPLE! XD *checks again* no wait... its still a lil yellow =( oh well...

umm.. went 2 skool on tuesday and wat a fookin waste of time. i cant stand it ¬¬ stoopid stoopid maths, but i did leave at 1 ^^ and had quite the talk with the legend that is mr.richard steer. he really is a legend. not only was he my 1st form tutor all the way bk in year 7, but he has been supportive of loooads, even wen i played girly footyball ^^ all the way up 2 now, where i've turned into quite the young lady, being prom queen and whatnot. *polishes plastic crown*
we talked of much... 1 hr 20 mins, and a good talk... talked bout... exams, life.. relationships... um... moving out... um... work,more exams.. more music... was quite the talk... and yes, hes a teacher! =P hes a human teacher =P one of the good ones, he even told me of a pub in neath that plays GOOD music and he reccomended i go when i am "of age". we shared music loves... i also suggested that he'd b mine an sams manager wen we make our band, cos he missed the buzz frm the stage an stuff..
an steer, i've downloaded lots of the music u recommended... just gotta listen =P *searches smashing pumpkins* ok, so... hmm.. so far not 2 bad, calmin ^^ *drifts away*

*drifts bk* must keep blogging... no... thats it... no more bloggage... cant b arsed... to calm inside... the blogging isnt flowing as well as it was... although.. maybe it is.. hold on... its almost flowing, no... not the good stuff... this is the deep stuff appearing, feelings =O what are those =P... they're here ^^

phwoar, steer u legend, i am calm b4 work, im... content... and time for the blog i promised b4, its one i needed 2 b calm-ish for... thoughts needed 2 flow, and goddamn it they r. so dont go anywhere.. ^^

The Bev

1 comment:

Lew said...

awaits new post eagerly
