Monday 4 June 2007

*Sings* You Don't Care About Us

thought i'd blog... to keep my mind off the crap world im living in at the mo. thinkin i shud reeealy turn this blog into a big emo cloud of depression... but meh, i wouldnt want to do that to you guys. specially some of u guys *hi5s* (you shud know my fellow hi5ers =P)

anywhoo just felt like drifting away into the chair that keeps this ass cosy during these blog-ages and into the world of music - hense the name of the post. (which has sparked an idea, i miite name all my posts by a song im listening to at the time of the post start...but we'll c)

im hungree, there is sweet fa here. im tempted to eat my pengy-uin =p but i dont think i can =P still tis too damn awesome.

lol! im depressing XD XD XD how many "hmm"'s today?... well... if i was a liiiil more bored i would count, but alas i am not, or ever will be that bored.

2 exams 2day... geog and maths. geog was goooood. reeealy good, just hope the examiners think so 2... maths on the other hand... wasnt awful.. but wasnt gr8.. cud hav dun better if i'd known wtf was goin on, but i did make a funky hat - jst gutted cudnt hav my fone on 2 take a pic =P oh wellllllll. nxt exam is english language - paper 1.. im pretty bad at stories =p pretty bad at english, and if i do drift away during an exam then i'll come out all unhappy, so guys beware if i hav had a good writing time, then u will know it =P unless i snap out of it at the call of "5 minutes left" shall be interesting... maybe i shud do wat JP sed, lol ... prepare sum stories and just edit them 2 fit wat they want... but again, i hav no interest in exams, and am NOT that bored. this blog is keeping me entertained 4 now... and of course the thought of the AMAZING excitement of this evening - (i.e Not a whole lot)... hmmm maybe i will write a story.. or start my autobiography =P maybe not... i dont think im THAT bored

(wat a coincidence =O... wat songs this.. hold on...."Cake - Open Book" (cheers mr steer =P) first line... "shes writing a novel" =P awesome =P)

anywhoo bk 2 the exam.. i dont c the point... "write a letter to your great aunt thanking her for her present".. no point... now we have something called, a phone, or better yet... the internet =P... emails... and even INSTANT messengers. now that is technology =)

riiite, i'd better get bk 2 bitchin 2 my mum bout.. anything =) and i hav a form 2 fill in 4 tax or summat cos i now wrk..

Catch Yoo Guys Later!
Much Love

The Bev


Lew said...

"catch you later guys"

how do you know girls dont read this blog=P

i know the secret handshake of the hi5 club..;)



Lew said...

lol, just noticed that your last comment was all about caring too=P

coincidence.. i think not! (y)
