Wednesday 29 August 2007

dammn. winamp broke again *hits play* *sings* somethings gotta go wrong cos im feeling waay to damn goood

Well, here I am again. blogging update.

I am not moving out. Sisters don't like where THEY chose =S... so that it no more. but im oddly happy.
I don't want to live here. but I don't want to move out, maybe thats my childish side coming out, but I want money, I want stuff! I need stuff!
I need a camera... be is 35mm SLR or a digi SLR *crosses fingers* need 2 talk 2 college to see what I need.

I'm still looking 4 a job, so any ideas in the Swansea area do pleeease let me know.

Last night I came home from my weekend at Lews =P lol went to the beach on friday, went bk 2 lews and lived there until tuesday bout 6pm =P then home to bont for a little outage.

now I have cleaning to do, I was going to wait until I moved out but nooope. not now. imma sort things. It's quite the mess.

My List of things I want =)
New Bed ^^
New Desk?

umm... and clothes. I NEED CLOTHES 4 COLLEGE BUT NOOOOOO MOTHER STILL HASNT ORDERED THEM. She can hav a fookin slap ayye(H) gona go bug her now actuallement.

so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I'll post sooons =)
The Bev

Sunday 19 August 2007

*Sings* Can We Pretend I'm Amazing?... Instead Of What We Both Know?

*sigh* this is not a happy blog... i cant b arsed... and no, i also cannot b arsed 2 punctuate or capitalise any letters =)

life seems to be spiraling at the mo *puts thumb up sarcastically*
i need 2 move out... i hate it here. i feel empty and shit here, and this is after spending a weekend in...
i cant move out... i need a job...
i cant get a job at the mo... the job i''ve applied for i wont know about for 3 weeks... and then i may not get it... so i need to go job hunting...
when i get a job i want to spend my money on things i WANT... not living on my own. i feel so shit having my fucking childhood ripped away from me because of my bitch of a fucking mother who has isolated herself from her children and will now be lonely for the rest of her life, only having meaningless TWATS online being fucked up FREAKS =) im sure she enjoys it tho, fake love.

i hate her so much. and yes im sorry readers its troo. u may say... "you shouldnt hate your mother" well i cant fucking help it... shes making me miserable =)

i want the life every1 else can have. they get jobs and can spend the money on something they want.. (LIKE A CAMERA ='( ) but me... i'll have to pay £50 rent a WEEK... and basically save £15/£20 depending on how good the job i [may or may not] get pays...when everyone else can spend their money i'll b paying 4 a better life =(... thats just "DARLING"!


Oh yes. i feel jolly good on this sunday evening.. sitting alone in my room... with no1 to talk to. well fuck it. i'll drown my sorrows =) or something.

*Turns up moosix*
*SINGS* Hey. I got my new shoes on, and suddenly everythings fine...
yeh i know i cant sing. but no harm in trying when theres nothing else to do and no1 else around ^^

yeh. well...
cloud of crap over.

The Bev

*Sings* I cry. I cry and I don't know why.The fever becomes my home...

Saturday 18 August 2007

*Sings* Fall Asleep With The Windows Open, Come To Me With The Worst You've Said and Done...Little Death Makes Life More Meaningful...

Well.. howdee.
It's been a while... and I'm not sure what I've been doing... Partay-ing, Been at Lews.. umm... small outage... town... um... and sleep =)

and now I have news. I'm moving out.. which probably means lack of internet over the new house for a while, so a lack of bloggage once again =P but i'll probably blog before I go anyway.

I'm sure I had loads to blog about when I decided to blog, but now it's all gone... I know the end *sarcastical thumbs up* .. which is basically me telling you I have to start packing and will try to blog soon...

Rugby today...Wales V Argentina =) COME OOON! XD wooo!!
um... ooosh and results on Thursday ^^ I can't wait...

...A few of us... not sure how many at the mo... are going up to Starbucks and are turning up at school with a coffee =) ... mainly cos me and Sam have planned this since... "revising" in Starbucks for Mocks or Yr 10 exams... or something =P and that's the plan. We'll be at Starbucks bright and early, and at school... early-ish =)

Hoping I do well ^^

ooosh! I'm also job hunting... had an interview yestarday and after having to buy myself a new "proof of life"/Birth Certificate... (which I realised last night has a mistake on it...), walking into the wrong building and being asked to make sure a sign was straight I made it on time ^^ and was interviewed. didn't take long and I'll find out how it really went in 3 weeks... until then... the search for a job continues so I can actually pay rent =)

Which reminds me... I have to sort out EMA ¬_¬

Busy, Busy... haha. In the end this blog wasnt toooo awful... but still as bad as they usually are... but har! You just read it so *laughs*

I'm off. packing to start ;)

Adios For Now

Bye Bye
The Bev

Friday 3 August 2007

*Sings* While we're on the subject, Could We Change The Subject Now?

Oh how I wish I could sing... gah. It sucks =P but oh well.Anyway, It's been a while... not a "Tom While" *Checks There’s Still A "Drunken" Tom Revising Pic Up**Tuts*! What a bitch. I read that blog... I read it... It's torture lol. It's a good read but here we all are suffering of boredom as he doesn't think of us =P lol hah! Well he's working now *laughs uncontrollably* While I sit here... bored... oh... well that's not as fulfilling as I thought, oh well =P

Back to MY blog =P I've had a good ... umm since July 25th =) ok...

Towned with my sisterrrrz and Lew and DanDidn't do muchos...had din dins, Lew got sum filmzes ^^ then back to Lew Town and slepteded over watched a couple of the filmzes

Towned with EVERYONE* =P
Simpson’s MOOOVIE ^^ twas pretty damn good ^^Back to Lews so I could get my bag ...then Looked after a drunk on the 27th =P
Every1 loves me now ^^ =P lol

Went to IKEA© and MacArthur Glen ^^ Got a new teeee1st time to IKEA© I luuurve that place... cosy beds <3 sleepy me =P twas good Had a choccy muffin too Got a new teeee from Vans Land ^^

Campeded on Oxwich beach ^^ was guuuurd =)There was walking, laughing, beaching, laughing, swimming, laughing, talking, laughing, drinking, laughing, talking, more laughing, swearing, laughing, watching sunsets, talking, SERIOUS MOMENT*(?), looking at the moon....


I think its safe to say I was at Lew's this day... no wait!CONTINUED CAMPING... Oh hold on... after midnight.... it was the 30th... *copies and pastes camping from above*.....Skinny dipping at midnight, laughing, running, laughing, talking, laughing, hugging, pic taking (Of the sky, not of the naked ones sorry =P) umm and in the end attempted sleep... and laughing.

As you can see it was much fun =P lol
one of the best camping trips I must say ^^ cept the damn gnat bites =P but they is vanishing slowly ^^

We slowly made our way up the beach towards the bus stop to get out of there before we were found out =P so we took a picture of Trampy, left his "life in a bag" in a large bin near Oxwich Bay Hotel (WOOO PROM!) and continued on our way to the bus stop.The bus came, and after a small dilemma about change where the people already on the bus helped out we were on our way, trying 2 remember everything that had happened the night before... I was right, It WAS AN AMAZING "night before" ^^ =)
We eventually got back to Swansea and then home =)I was very, very hungry as Tesco closed as I arrived and didn't have any food for camping, though I did steal cookies and Doritos =P Anyway I made my family go out for food to fill up my belly[bola =P] and then i went to Lews...and helped put a trampoline together ^^ Then I started to feel unwell =( all flu-ish... and I'm still not 100%

GAH HOLD ON! Moosix stopped =(...

ok so.. then went home

"Band Prac" lol it wasn't v.good, and I realised how crap I am at drums... I don't like them no more cos I'm not v.good =( but oh well... I don't mind. Went out 4 a lil kick about... umm then crashed on Lews sofa ^^

Went out shopping 4 cloootheses, I gots 2 pairs of jeeeeans and a posh tee.. Still need summer clothes ¬¬ so hopefully online shopping..Also saw Transformers =P lol I DID NOT ENJOY... How Cheeeeesy =P Then I got home late and slept.

Over Lews... just hanging around watching Lew and Hannah argue ¬¬ Good thing Lew's working now, so I can stay away 4 a while... haven't felt that awkward in a while =P

BLOGGING =P ... not doing muchos else 2day... maybe go out.... we'll c... but for now... this is all

Any Further plans?
Not really no... =P attempt to get sum money together 2 go up 2 Richy-Land... umm and get clotheses 4 beaching. Also results day is getting closer ^^ =) I oddly can't wait, not to get results, but STARBUCKS! =P lol it's been a while, and I want to go look sophisticated... I'm thinking NEW TEE =P lol how funny would I look... *Takes Note* It’s a plan! woooooo XDAlso hoping to get a little off road driving practice in so I will actually be able to drive when I'm 17 =) It's getting closer! XD can't wait! Plan is... apply 4 provisional... ooo SOON! This week =)Off road drive until 17, then go on the rooooad WATCHOUT GUYS Nov 8th. You guys r n trouble! =Palso ...17th Theory test... Then sum lessons... and then TEST! Hmm test b4 next summer =)

*sigh* I cannot wait =)

woooo! =)

Anyway... I think I’ve done enough blabbering....
Going to get bored doing something else instead... ooo HOUSE! Missed yesterday's... =P

Ok sooo... Hope I didn't bore you too much!

Bye Bye Then
The Bev

Wednesday 25 July 2007

But I Want To Sing =(

I don't know what I've blogged about... I might have mentioned a little band I'm meant to be in, but probably not =P... umm well I'm a drummer... ish... I try anyway.

First band prac, Tuesday 31st July. Oh god, I cannot wait.... We'll see how good I am, lets just say... it's been a while... and I've got a new found love for singing.

I love to sing, and dammit I blame Blue October and Paramore and Avril Lavigne =P... So much emotion and energy seem to be released when they sing.

*sings* I close my eyes, and I smile, knowing that everything is alright...

need to sort out a mic so I can get opinions on whether to follow my dream! =p lol

ooo just realised. I blogged, last night, I was doubtful about whether I'd bother anymore =P I blame Jamie and Lew for making me come back to the blogging pages... anyway. It's done now.

The Bev

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Bored of singing... =( im rubbish

so wat if im naive?... i dont care. i still want a big fat summer 2 jump up and bite everyone on the ass! yes! DAMMIT I WANT MY SUMMER!

im suprising even myself, but damn it.. im not really lookin 4ward 2 college, i cudnt really care less, but dammit this summer was ment 2 be awesome, but fucking flooding etc has ruined it all... just realised... shit!.... must punctuate 4 mr tom... one min... ooosh an must stop the "..."/"dot dot dot-ing" =P riiite... take 2

So what if I'm naive? I don't care. I still want a big fat summer to jump up and bite everyone on the ass! Yes! Dammit! I WANT MY SUMMER! (So Far, So Good)

I'm suprising even myself, but damn it, I'm not really looking forward to college, I really couldn't care less, but this summer... was meant to be awesome, but the flooding etc has ruined it all.

*Continues blog*

Plans ruined, when are we supposed to have the "End of Year Bonfire?" adding to the pollution that is starving our beautiful country of it's gorgeous summer? I want to add to the crap in the atmosphere. I want to enjoy the beach =( I want a tan so I can feel as hawt as you all seem to think I am (And I know you think I am...)[Damn! Puncuating after so long of typing crap is difficult]

I think I'm running out of things to blog about, even though I haven't blogged since the 11th... I don't know what to say. Oooo! Hold on, I can talk about my latest illness, I seem to have a brain condition. I have headaches =( All the time, and I don't think I can keep blaming Lew for much longer =P... I wake up with them, and they float back during the day, anyone got any ideas about what could be causing them? I'd love to know.

Umm... (note capital letter ;) I'm getting the hang of this writing in English thing =P )
I'm getting tired, but I think I'll keep typing, just because I can sense the enjoyment while you're reading. Yes. You're thinking "DAMN! I wish I was The Bev" or "DAMN! I wish I had The Bev" ;) *Giggles* Woah I'm drunker, I mean, more hyper than I thought. [No I'm not drunk, I don't know why I typed that =S but yeh, it's fun, don't you think?]

I want to start writing something (OOOO SORRY! MUST SAY! BREAKING BENJ JUUST CAME ON! I love them. *sings* I'm all alone, out in the cold.... *sigh* what a song ^^)
Anyway, continuing, I want to write... I'm not sure what, or why... (creepy random fact...Did you know that you eat an average of 7 spiders in your lifetime [While you sleep usually]... not sure where that came from... but bet you shuddered =P...Don't worry... I did too when I found out)

Sod it, this blog is not complete, nor will it ever... sod it. I cannot be arsed anymore.

Thats It
The Bev

Wednesday 11 July 2007

... No moosix... My Names Earl on teevee....

god that guy is damn annoying =P... but that other guy, the fat one, is funny =P hehe

anyway! to the point... msn is being crap and annoying... even if i didnt alredy decide 2 cut bk its forcing me anyway. which just isnt gd, cos now i feel its not my self control =P lol but oh well.

umm... i dnt think i'll blog bout town, although it was =)... sams done a better job, so i'll leave it =P just take a look at his =P --->> links over there --->> although he didnt quite catch how scared me an becky were when the scary drunk/high chav wanted to take us out etc... i swear i thought he was gona just push past toms legs or jump over or something and come at us =P lol but phewwww it didnt ^^ XD

actually... i think i'll say a lil... frm my point of view =P...
twas normal as a trip to town normally is... except taking a short bus ride with 2 police..people =P that was ... odd... and perhaps me saying "TOM!"..rather loudly on the bus to inform him that starting nxt monday charmed takes the place of the beloved house at 12.30 everyday... but besides that, nothing 2 different... we reached town an went 2 castle square where we were meeting every1 and meet people did we do =P every1 came 2gether even a drunk on a bike, who fair play could ride rather well...assuming the cuts on his face werent from falling off...anyway we then all went our separate/seperate(cant be arsed 2 look it up) ways... we went... um... a la marche 1st... then got tix 4 oceans and then 2 dine!
if i wasnt saving money i wudda spent more, but as im quite poor, jobless, saving money 4 stephy-kins and wasnt 2 hungry... i had a coffee and chips and we all talked about tea drinkage, yes jonny its normal! teenagers CAN enjoy tea ^^ and me and sam pondered over my reachers name (im small..couldnt reach some things high up) wen wrking in the glam anyway, we enjoyed ^^ *RECOMMENED* [=P... if i cud remember the name of the place...] it was enjoyable, but dammit...didnt hav room 4 dessert! =P

eventually we arrived at the cinema to enjoy wat turned out to be our private screening of oceans 13 ...which again i shouted another name... rather loudly.. "Lloyd!"... i remembered my reachers name =P lol anyway... after getting a telling off from sam i got bk 2 watching the film, eating beckys nachos...and almost gravy tasting cheese and grahams popcorn which kept appearing infront of me...oceans was pretty damn gd, i likes how its so clever ^^ and doesnt try 2 hard 2 b funny ... but slips in a few moments ^^ twas good *RECOMMENDED*

the film ended... and we got up and left, commenting on how good it was, while i picked popcorn out of my belly button that had fallen down my top during the film... i was all clean and we hit the streets!

... a tuesday night.. and chavs where everywhere... standing at the bus stop, me, Becky, Sam and Tom... we were approached by a chav... he first offered sam and tom drugs and gave us advice and told us to pair up and get together... which we all found funny... when we said that we were good as friends he then asked the guys if he could take them off their hands... and ... me and Becky... were worried... he told us of how we'd hav an amazing evening, until he was interupted by the drunk bike guy again, but this time not asking for 50p, but for fags... after saying none of us smoked and proving to him a watch box was not a fag packet, we all enjoyed a little show he put on...revving up his bike as if it was a motorbike, something like wat the crazy frog (as sam noticed) would do... it was... rather amusing... ^^ they all backed off after that... and drunk bike guy found another mode of transport... in the form of a trolley ... he looked like he enjoyed... either that or as if he was about 2 spewwwwwwww ...couldnt quite tell.

the show continued with trolleys, walls, cones, car park and yet more chavs... the crazy bike guy eventually got out of his trolley after almost breaking a leg or 2 and got bk on his bike and chased crazy cone chav around the car park a little.. soon they all departed (to mcdonalds if we heard correctly) and the bus pulled up... and it couldnt have come sooner! =P
it had been a good day...

lol and i didnt wanna write about it... still think sams is better but hah! read mine 2 =)

today was good... ish... well... no... in parts.. =P
woke... 10.30 ish...i was proud considering bedtime was about 4. i tried 2 sort out sum events to fill my day, but my mother had planned differently... so instead of seeing lew, or going 2 stephs i sat in a car outside some random customer of my brother watching a man and his son do some type of DIY =S and played a little snake. eventually we left the spot i'd sat in for...frankly.. too long we made our way 2 tesco ¬_¬... wher i topped up and stocked up on sweets and general junk food... oo an ice cream... we then realised, we had to go bk home... to get my brothers fone to get "orange wednesday" its against my mothers religion to pay full price to c a film when theres an offer like orange wednesdays available... anywayyyy we went 2 the cinema (which was wat the whole thing was planned 4) and yes. i'd say... go c shrek 2 ^^ if u hav a childish side =)... its guuuuuurd... but.. im quite childish =)... it was still damn good!
i had 2 run out once... not because the story was too much to take or anything but my fone =O... steph needed monies 4 driving, so after the film finished we went on a hunt 4 an atm and got out
the money she needed and picked up... yet more things from a supermarket(not tescos this time =)... sainsburys) anywhooooo we went 2 stephs, sorted wats happening on friiiday and it was quite the happy little visit... we actually got on for the short amount of time we were there.

got home an the only thing bringing me down is the current situation of msn...and now dammit... its 2 late 4 sims... so i think i'll just grab a book an disappear into bed... did i say book?... i ment.. the remote of course =)'ll probably end up that way..

with that... i bid u ...

GOODNIGHT!... sorry i babbled 4 so long... woah i suuuuuure can talk =P lol

The Bev
(that took about an hr 2 write... while watchin my names earl... but... still an hr... ish...)

oooo play and win b4 bed?... i think so! ^^ yay!

byeeeeeee im going to play!... And.. WIN aswell as play... if i win... then... yeh.. anyway.. more babble, i'll b leaving u now ^^

hope u didnt die inside too much ;)

Tuesday 10 July 2007

*Sings* Keep Mooving On and On And On

Well. Today is my wedding day =P lol

and Sam, I just can't wait! hehe

not sure y... but im in an oddly hyperly odd mood... =) im quite the strange one

ooo PICCY 4 YOO! This is the start of time..(or 2days msn-age)...


wat a nice way to start the day... as sam put it...
Me: delightful way 2 start the day
Sam: scaring the crap out of a retard

YAY! anywhoooo townage 2day ^^ but 1st House! i think im obsessed =P its gr8!
umm... mums bk... i think i sed that she'd gone 2 uncles wedding... not sure =P lol well..she did, shes bk now. came bk last nite/this morning. uch i dislike her muchos.

anyway... i think imma get ready 4 townage now...
(GODDAMN IT! cant stop adding "-age" to everything ¬¬ damn who ever started it!!)

anywhooo i'll blog soon... proly later after town if tis good.... or awfully bad... if its interesting... proly wont bother if its just average =P... but there'll b sum boring crap 2 read about soon guys! dont u worry!

Loves and Hugs
The Bev

Saturday 7 July 2007

*crowd cheers* *sings* tell me that you'll open your eyes...

ooo indeed the crowd is cheering... on the teevee of course...

I've found something to do, you can stop worrying your pretty little heads.
The LiveEarth Concert is on... at the mo, snow patrol... jsut been on razorlight(lookin a "tad" gay) and Genesis ^^ (wilson =P) wooo tis good ^^

i thought i'd just mention that i hav things to do... not just because of this concert, but sam has appeared from the magical mumblé(s) =P (said Mum, blay)

woooo talkage!
anywhooooo *disappears and drowns in the moosix*
luuurvley stuffs.... as soon as a crappy band comes on im cleaning my rooooooom =)

xxxxxxxxxx loves xxxxxxxxxxxx

*Sings* The truth be told, the truth be told, I'm treading on my tippy toes, my tippy toes

*continues singing* I'm starting to worry about Ray

woooooo goood song ^^

Boredom has taken over. there is no magical sam online... or close enuff 2 drag out, there is no lew as he is making the monies. there is no ideas popping into my head of wat i can do... but..

wont c her for a few days ^^ woopy!

she gone 2 uncles wedding. which reminds me. HAPPY 07.07.07! XD

i think im gona clean my room an play simmmmmmms... and maybe any other game i can find that i fancy playing... we'll c wats i got. i mite READ =O *gasps* im trying 2 get away frm the compooter... honest =P

hmm sims 1st i think... let my brekkie/lunch go down b4 the moving around-ness of cleaning my room... ok ^^ so here it goes *opens sims*

talk sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
Bored Bev!

oooo no! i can watch mooovies... *browses thru downloads on server* oooo looks good. sooo i'll keep myself entertained. just felt like a bloggage =P boom! off i go. TRA! =P

enjoy your day ^^
Not So Bored Bev

Saturday 30 June 2007

*Sings*... Oh No... Wait. SILENCE XD


"sorry i cant work today, i reeeealy dont feel well... at all"
"yes... im sorry"
"... cant work on carnival day?..."
"no... im sorry"
"..wel... i think we should call it a day then..."
"... i think we should call it a day"
"... um ok =) bye then"
*hangs up*

Shit. i need a job ^^ =P

Atleast i dont work with scummy fookin people! ... unles i do indeed get a job in turktown =P (hehe)

YAY! Need monies ^^

go me!
The Bev

*Sings* And Now Im In Over My Head For Something I Said

Blogging Spree!

Woop! XD
anywhoooooooo i remembered my dream 4 the 1st time in ... AAAAAAAAGES! and what a dream it was =P lol *reminises* *giggles* teeheehee
it was set at skool, with a few of my closest friends[yr 11 friends. as it was at skool] and we had finished skool but decided to go bk anyway just to hang out, so while kids were in lessons we snuck around skool looking 4 empty rooms. when we found one we'd hang around/mess around in it until the buzzer, then we'd hide until all the kids had settled in their next lesson. we found Mrs Garners English room was free, so we watched a film, but Mrs Hoyles(Tom and Lews Mum) came in and told us all off =S and told us to go home. but we didnt of course XD =P we carried on watching the film but slowly people disappeared... dont really remember much of the ending... then i woke ^^ =P funny dream =) woop!

i got work today... supposidly... but i have a headache and dont really want to dress up like a pirate infront of work collegues that hate me. i doubt it will be entertaining. so i'll fone in sick a lil later i suppose. i want 2 go in, i need the money... but... i feel lost and lonely working there so... i'll go job hunting... i think i'll fone in sick then go out job hunting everywhere after the race has finished of course cos i'll b requiring a lift... unless i get my mum 2 take me... hmm we'll c... i NEED a job. im thinking... dun dun duuuuuuun TURKTOWN!.... or Gors... dont really want 2 go 2 turktown, not just because of the "friendly" environment, but also because its a lil outta the way.but if theres nothing else then... it'll do. it'll b beter than being hated for something i didnt do and no1 even did. but oh the words of... frank sinatra(i think)... "thats life."

anyway im sitting here in my luuurvely pjs, thinking bout my dream... thinking bout job hunting ^^ thinking about house hunting. thinking about happiness (WHICH WILL SOON BE MINE DAMMIT!*crosses fingers*) eeek!

anyway, best b off... gona go c if/wen i can go job hunting and *gulps* i shall fone in sick 2 work.

byeeeee bye then!
The Bev
Love You Readers.

Friday 29 June 2007

*Sings* Why Do I Feel This way?...Why Do I Feel?... Why?.

duno y im blogging really... just feeling pretty crappy and full of thoughts and decided to channel them in some way.


ok so i've left it a lil long 2 actually write this post.... kinda ok now, but not... meh, sux 2 be meee!XD =P

dont really feel in a blogging mood... hmm... i shud start a Vlog=P did plan 2 a while ago... hmm... maybe if i liked myself a lil more i wud.. hmm cud do 1 an c i supose... or not ^^... nah nevermind =P

i've been thinking about... things, its really not good... when i think i feel bad and think more and it a downward spiral ... i just feel like crashing in bed about now, but i cud go 4 a hug =P i want my friends 2 b with me, i want 2 move out so i can actually get that. i want to be happy... i want to dream so i can c into my subconcious. i want sleep, so sod it. here i go

off 2 bed
The Bev

Wednesday 27 June 2007

*Sings* God Doesnt It Feel So Good Cos I Got Him Where I Want Him Nooow!

crap. lol just wrote sum...then it disappeared =S and saved nothing dammit!

pah. anyway... lets start again...
this post is about

The one declared most shitfaced just happened 2 be me, so.. this is my take on things..

muchos fun, good time with ffrinds... and we saw a horsey scratchin its bum on barbed wire ... ouch =P

it was good. even the cakey bits... even the shivering in the night...even the mysterious scratch on the arm...especially the company, and the minimal rain ^^

thanks to everyone for going, and looking after us all, and ..supplying tents =P

sorry to tom 4 keeping him away from the booze =P...even tho it wasnt urs 2 drink anyway ¬¬ hah. anyway, nxt time i'll share that lil bit more as i am prety damn lightweight anyway.

umm. i hav a cuple of pix... chicken... wine =P...i'll post and jonny i hope ur reading this!

... yes jonny that is wine... may i say.. Owned?
looks like sam stole all toms happy =P

har dee har. and... the chickens. twas delicious ^^...
here is tom. feeding the foxes =P

and here he is... after eating the foxes ^^.. *giggles*
doesnt he look full...and content with that meal
anywhooo it was a good nite. apologies for being a tad loud. next time i promise i'll b better.
yes guys. next time ;)

i was quite popular that nite, either Richy, Lew or Joe in the nxt tent foning/texting =p was quite entertaining... *giggles* i bet those who saw the flying fone thought so 2
and mite i say... quite a good fight for the best arse *shakes joe and toms hand* i do apologize sam...jamie?.. for not making the final, but i think the best man won: joe. congrats to tom for the fight. and joe heres your prize *hands arse shaped trophy*
stick that in your pipe and smoke it Lew. i did indeed also get complimented on my mighty fine arse ^^ so pah. u may not like it but others do.

richy. im sorry for the lack of replies for the txts. i will txt u now actuallement ^^
umm duno wat else 2 say... i bet theres something missing... i know i enjoyed an blah, but sams blog does say it all really... and yes, i remember most things sam said in his blog so i'll smile and nod and agree with those.
Happy Campers.
Good Night=P *looks at time... 3.46pm... yes. night..
GENESIS 2NITE! =... i hope its as good as it looks...[yes.sarcasm] =P will bloggage again soon... possibly later... depending on how 2nite goes etc.

The Bev

Saturday 23 June 2007

*Sings* The Ladybugs Came, To The LadyBugs Picnic

You may have noticed... the change in colour =P tis cos... i got bored... and meh... duno =) looks ok tho?... i hope ... anyway

sorting out all teh compooter stuffs b4 i goooo... gota make sure i got stuff backed up an got the stuff i wnt frm the server =P *giggles* house =)

anywhoooo kinda bored.... trying 2 figure out a way 2 c lew laaater... *ponders* must find out wats happening with mothers buggering off. we shall seeeeee

anyway. bored now... only lil post cos i cant b arsed 2 write much more and i got things 2 do

byebye now.

Thursday 21 June 2007

*Sings* Your Cries Are All In In Vain

i was happy... now not so much =S
i hate it...
y cant i stay happy 4 too long...this better not happen wen i move out... i swear i'll go crazy...

In Other News: Superman is a bastard! thank yoo 4 the shmiles sam =)

back to crap =)
i was happy... everything looked good... i couldnt wait 2 move out...and still cant... but... i just dont feel like it will happen =s not sure y... but... i dont feel as if it will happen, i want it so much and i dont think im that lucky.and if i am... sumthing has 2 go wrong, because apparently... by the looks of things im not allowed 2 b happy.

richy i am indeed magical... i can write so much, but thats because i have alot of crap 2 write about, and i bet u cud 2... i think u hav better things to do tho... *cough* tetris =P *giggles*

i dont know whats wrong with me. may be the missing out on starbucks AGAIN for work... that i need to do or i cant move out... maybe just me... maybe the thought of life fookin up once again

im so pessamistic =( i hate it! gah! i want 2 b happy! i want to be able 2 c the goodness in everything! *keeps trying*

its just me, i cant do much right, when things r going right sumthing happens an things start to go wrong.
i think imma start thinking of things to sort 4 any eventual moving

i think imma play sims... make a happy family ^^ =P make meeeeee! i'll go 2 uni... or... maybe i'll b all growd up an hav my kitty! =O hmm who wants 2 live with me??? =P

wooooooo (sarcastic "wooooooo" of course.) ummmmmm

off i go gaming with richy ^^

The Bev

Monday 18 June 2007

*Sings* Was It A Dream?

Goodbye to itunes.

i realised... itunes doesnt like surround sound. so DAMN YOU ITUNES! I now must learn 2 love.. WINAMP! gah... i dont wanna =( it smells.

and! i swallowed my dice! =( noooooo!!!!!!!
and! i duno... but... AND THAT ASWELL!

i have works again later... makin moneys =) woopy! must b banked so i can escape this hell hole i call a home. pah! im soooooo gona love 2 b away from here... if we can manage that is of course... im scared =P im gona b poor ... but independant!

i neeeeed to do this. all those who dont understand... one day i may tell you. maybe... proly not but ha! all u need 2 know is, i need this. =) and when it finally happens, u will c a new me. a happier me, one that CANT b shot down so easily... if all goes well that is...

where is every1? ='( im soooooo aloooone =( *giggles* gd thing i hav things 2 keep me busy ^^
hmmm well... i welcome bk my loud moosixes its been a while... mainly cos i spent the end of last week at the hoyles' house =P and wat fun =) and im sorry tom 4 being there 2 much, but friday was actually ur fault! ha! anyway. home now, and not planning on returning to their house 4 a while...incase they get scared im not leaving again =P and another reason but i wont bother explaining, those who know me best will alredy know anyway.

no more exams... no more skool... gonna miss it =P its odd =( but hopefully college will b just as much fun and summer even more =P
*begins to cry* gah, lots 2 do b4 summer kicks in... i needs summery clotheses =O or i'll overheat and die =P it shall b good

anywhooo havnt writen on here 4 a while... the blog and this post...been sorting music... but got bored now, cant b arsed.. i'll hav 2 do it again wen i move out so sod it... i hav so much shite music on here now... beyonce *sacarstic face* if i turn into a chav i blame my lazy side =P thank gaaawd theres even more good crap 2 balance it out =)

anywhooo bored now... u can hav this blog

The Bev

Thursday 7 June 2007

*sings* you're so damn hot!

phwoar, don't i know it!

howdee one and all. not quite sure why im blogging... dont have much else 2 do instead though...i have work in a cuple of hrs... but not much goin on til then.

no1 is online. and tbh im glad, it makes me think of other things i can do... which isnt v.much, i love music, so im sittin here listening as always, but no msn 4 me =) im blogging.. then i maay do that french listening thing i paid 60 WHOLE peeeeee 4! =P a bit of [no idea the percentage it counts 4 it] a gcse for 60p =P bargain! hmm, i wonder if they sell gcses on ebay ^^ *looks* ooo found sumthing ...

"OCR AQA GCSE Certificate - Novelty - Looks 100% Real
100% Exact Replicas Of Current Exam Bodies!"

£50 quid! free postage tho =P
lol. sum1's also selling geog and science coursework... all A*

anywhoo back to bloggage *closes ebay*

i met a hedgehog ^^ hes so damn kool! i shud go bk an visit him =P hes so awesome! =P i wanted 2 poke him, but i didnt wana get bitted... =(

wooooop =P

i think im getting happier cos its all disappearing ^^ i noticed, this blog is pretty damn happy =P compared to my recent ones. and i'd like to thank... whoever made my last exam in a week 2moro XD =P and of course me for attending all exams ^^ an maybe sum teachers [who arnt trying 2 kill me with past papers and extra revision sessions i cudnt giv a toss about ^^]

umm.. wat can i say... umm.. i got new speakers XD they look like bug eyes...or those binoculars frm toy story![which by the by i havnt seen in ages! =O so sum1... buy it for me =P i will love u forever] i shall take yoo a picyture...give me a min...
what yoo think??

hmm anywhoo maybe i can find sumthin 2 do... shall blog soooooon guuuys ^^


Love Yoo Guys!
The Bev

Monday 4 June 2007

*Sings* You Don't Care About Us

thought i'd blog... to keep my mind off the crap world im living in at the mo. thinkin i shud reeealy turn this blog into a big emo cloud of depression... but meh, i wouldnt want to do that to you guys. specially some of u guys *hi5s* (you shud know my fellow hi5ers =P)

anywhoo just felt like drifting away into the chair that keeps this ass cosy during these blog-ages and into the world of music - hense the name of the post. (which has sparked an idea, i miite name all my posts by a song im listening to at the time of the post start...but we'll c)

im hungree, there is sweet fa here. im tempted to eat my pengy-uin =p but i dont think i can =P still tis too damn awesome.

lol! im depressing XD XD XD how many "hmm"'s today?... well... if i was a liiiil more bored i would count, but alas i am not, or ever will be that bored.

2 exams 2day... geog and maths. geog was goooood. reeealy good, just hope the examiners think so 2... maths on the other hand... wasnt awful.. but wasnt gr8.. cud hav dun better if i'd known wtf was goin on, but i did make a funky hat - jst gutted cudnt hav my fone on 2 take a pic =P oh wellllllll. nxt exam is english language - paper 1.. im pretty bad at stories =p pretty bad at english, and if i do drift away during an exam then i'll come out all unhappy, so guys beware if i hav had a good writing time, then u will know it =P unless i snap out of it at the call of "5 minutes left" shall be interesting... maybe i shud do wat JP sed, lol ... prepare sum stories and just edit them 2 fit wat they want... but again, i hav no interest in exams, and am NOT that bored. this blog is keeping me entertained 4 now... and of course the thought of the AMAZING excitement of this evening - (i.e Not a whole lot)... hmmm maybe i will write a story.. or start my autobiography =P maybe not... i dont think im THAT bored

(wat a coincidence =O... wat songs this.. hold on...."Cake - Open Book" (cheers mr steer =P) first line... "shes writing a novel" =P awesome =P)

anywhoo bk 2 the exam.. i dont c the point... "write a letter to your great aunt thanking her for her present".. no point... now we have something called, a phone, or better yet... the internet =P... emails... and even INSTANT messengers. now that is technology =)

riiite, i'd better get bk 2 bitchin 2 my mum bout.. anything =) and i hav a form 2 fill in 4 tax or summat cos i now wrk..

Catch Yoo Guys Later!
Much Love

The Bev

Thursday 31 May 2007

...That Question...

Recently i was faced with a question;

What do you care about?
i didnt answer very well at the time... but i thought about it more.. and my answer is....

i hav no idea... i did have alot writen for this, but... i read over it, and it got smaller and smaller... and this is wat its become... um..

i've been thinking a little more, i think i'll sit here until i really cant keep my eyes open anymore, just waffling bout things i care about... only true care, is being happy... no matter where i am, i just dont want to be unhappy.
Love....I was thinking love... but, im not so sure... of course, now i am in love...i should care, i care about him... but... i thnk i could live without love, therefore i dont care about love... aslong as i hav my
Friends... i need a social life, without it, i thnk i'd feel pathetic and alone. friends make me happy so friends are a care of mine.
Fun... no matter what i want to have fun. i will hopefully be moving out soon, it may suck the fun out of somethings, but.. i will hav a substitute. i will have fun. i will be happy.
Education... umm..not so much, i think i've learnt most of the basics... theres some more to be learnt, but now education isnt compulsory, therefore people can get by on what i already know. the rest is a want. i want to be more knowledgable...
Success... i guess, aslong as i have a job that i like and is good pay at the end of it all thats all i could ask for

but.. to be honest.. it all just leads back to happy. so to sum up. i have one care.
i've been pretty vague, as i dont want to go into too much detail, so i dont depess u guys, or myself further. i've had enuff of that crappy feeling for one evening, i think now i'll just sleep it off.

I'll leave u with a message that...
All Is Good.

The Bev



decided 2 blog.. mainly cos i got a wireless keyboard an im sitting in my usual bloggage way, but wirelessly ^^ anyway... after a morning of sleep, and an afternoon of teevee and chattage, i hav come 2 the conclusion i wasted pretty much a whole day, it has peaked after some magic people appeared on the great MSN, but still, wudda prefered to hav done .. something.. and i've actually considered revision ^^ but we'll c...

anyway... the exams so far, havnt been as bad as expected, which is always a gd thing... but i cant help but think that i'll struggle with geog (mainly cos of my asylum of a class...) and maths just because of the rushing of the last few topics, but yeh. we'll c... if i revise i revise, if not.. then oh well... just hope im lucky.. which at the mo, has peaked a lil i guess.. depending on wat way u look at it... i survived a kitchen fire =P... wasnt much of one, but with no smoke alarms i guess im lucky (or not) to still b here... *idea sparks for new post*

hmm.. well... i rearranged my room on... umm monday =) cos i dislike things staying the same 4 too long... so yehh... even tho im ment 2 b moving out in the summer.... still thought its worth the final change of my room =P end of an era ... umm... phwoar blogging interesting stuff is pretty difficult.... cud just blog bout wat i've done, which usually ends up makin me feel like i've wasted poor your time but oh well... u wudnt come bk if u didnt want 2 waste time... by now u shud have realised i blog crap ^^ but the nxt post will b good.... i think... =P

ok so... lately... umm.. tom rebroke my knee =P cos i fancied a game of rugby ^^ twas gd excpt the crippling bit... but oh well. tis ok now... bruise is turning into a normal bruisey colour not the odd yellow thing it was b4.. now its PURPLE! XD *checks again* no wait... its still a lil yellow =( oh well...

umm.. went 2 skool on tuesday and wat a fookin waste of time. i cant stand it ¬¬ stoopid stoopid maths, but i did leave at 1 ^^ and had quite the talk with the legend that is mr.richard steer. he really is a legend. not only was he my 1st form tutor all the way bk in year 7, but he has been supportive of loooads, even wen i played girly footyball ^^ all the way up 2 now, where i've turned into quite the young lady, being prom queen and whatnot. *polishes plastic crown*
we talked of much... 1 hr 20 mins, and a good talk... talked bout... exams, life.. relationships... um... moving out... um... work,more exams.. more music... was quite the talk... and yes, hes a teacher! =P hes a human teacher =P one of the good ones, he even told me of a pub in neath that plays GOOD music and he reccomended i go when i am "of age". we shared music loves... i also suggested that he'd b mine an sams manager wen we make our band, cos he missed the buzz frm the stage an stuff..
an steer, i've downloaded lots of the music u recommended... just gotta listen =P *searches smashing pumpkins* ok, so... hmm.. so far not 2 bad, calmin ^^ *drifts away*

*drifts bk* must keep blogging... no... thats it... no more bloggage... cant b arsed... to calm inside... the blogging isnt flowing as well as it was... although.. maybe it is.. hold on... its almost flowing, no... not the good stuff... this is the deep stuff appearing, feelings =O what are those =P... they're here ^^

phwoar, steer u legend, i am calm b4 work, im... content... and time for the blog i promised b4, its one i needed 2 b calm-ish for... thoughts needed 2 flow, and goddamn it they r. so dont go anywhere.. ^^

The Bev

Monday 21 May 2007

You Think You've Got Problems?!?!


Just need 2 rant a lil...

not that im saying my life is worse, because obviously i dont know the whole story, but frm what i hear, JESUS. U HAVE ISSUES IF YOU THINK LIFE, at the moment, MEANS ANYTHING! ...

but seriously, how can u sit there complaining like that. im pretty sure LOADS of people in the world have gone through MUCH worse, and im sure u'll get over it.
stoopid thing is, the main topic of peoples sudden depression: Exams.
and it really is stupid! as sam says, all u need is a C and how easy is that?...

For Christs Sake!


much love!

Friday 18 May 2007

<3xXx My Lew xXx<3

well... i can go on for aaages.. and aslong as its longer than riches post then i dont think lew will mind. well... umm i will lose my eyes and just let go ^^

listening 2 our song baybee ^^
i can listen over and over... and think of you for even longer than that!
its early morning, and i wont sleep until i blog this... well, umm... i love you. i never EVER thought i'd feel like this.. .not at 16 anyway. but... i do =(
i shudnt, i shud b concentrating on other things, but i am concentrating on you.
so many songs i can listen 2, an just drift away an think of you. all nite tonight, i was just waiting to go home and to talk 2 u, when i realised how sweet i can b, all i wanted to do was to come home an hav cwtches... or... talk about them atleast... an here i am.. i want huggles, cuggles, cwtches, kisses. i love u so much and i neeeed you.

never let me go, and i'll never let you go.
we are stuck together =P not that im complaining =P

i'll go thru little parts of our histoire as i hav done...
we met... in crosshands, cinema-ing.. didnt really talk to yoo. gutted, wat a waste =P
we met...again... in pizza hut ^^ for mr.daniel figz birthyday the day b4 i started yr 11 an u started college... i dont remember talkin 2 u much then either.. again, a lil waste
a few random meetings in bont later, and we began talking more and more... and u did do a little stalkin 4 my msn address =P... then
13th october 2006, bulbs 18th, what a night! i dont know how it happened, but i was glad it did.. that night... i wont forget...
lots of stuff happened between then and now, and not all good, all that matters 2 me now, is my lew... who i love more than anything, i did regret leahs bday... DID... but, now, i think it may hav been the best thing ever.. i cant imagine my life without u, u r the biggest part of my life, u r my glue, u r keeping me together.

I Love You.

Theres nothing yoo can do =P hehe

(this post is muchos better than richys dont yoo think?...)

i am so madly MADLY in love with you, i will never hurt you. i will look after you, and i KNOW u'll do the same ^^
we r perfect together ^^

You really are my world, i CANNOT live without you.
I'd be lost without you.

*sings* There's something i cant quite explain, Im soo in love with you. you'll never take that away... and if i said it a hundred times before... expect a THOUSAND more! u'll never take that away..

i want cuggles, i want to lay on you, and listen to your heart beat and listen 2 it speed up when i say i love you.

*sings* i feel like i can fly when i stand next to you

i want to sleep on you, i know u will bring me sweet dreams ^^

(look! i can b sweet! *looks coote*)

*looks at time.*. 3.07...its saturday...i will c u 2moro. WILL. i must =( even if its just a little while, i will see you. i'll huggle yoo and tell u i love u an disappear if i thats all the time i have.
aslong as u gets a huggle ^^ i guess i shud sleep. so i wake, b4 u wrk. i'll try and be on msn b4 u disappear to wrk.. or wen u get bk...

Love You Always Shweeeeeeetie!!!!!! ^^

you are my world

quick post ^^

...cos i realised... i think in every one of my posts i've sed how crap my blog is...and how im continuing to blog anyway ^^

teehee... i've kept my word!


Been A While...

Woah, realised its been quite a while... im sittin in my usual blogging way.. just because then i know i'll keep writing cos im comfy=P so here we go...

since i last blogged... well.. we had prom..and an after party (which fucked up my head an i WISH i remembered a lil more about it, just 2 clear a few things up...) we finished the yrbook... umm... well i think thats bout it... starbucks, but thats just usual events =P an we finished skool. there is... no more ('cept 4 exams)

so... start with prom... it was amazing! i think even tom had a better time than he thought =P lol, that maybe just cos he talked to sum turk-ish teachers about rugby for... quite a while =P... anywhoo... i was prom queen ^^ was amazed...every1 else, wasnt so amazed. lol graham was my king ^^ legend! XD anyway... prom, was good... reeeealy good... one of the best nites ever, soon it was over and time for the after party... well... i got there, and just... headed to the alcohol... it was great... i think... i remember... small bits... but slowly more and more...

anyway... i sed stoopid things, which i hardly remember, and i had 2 clear it up the nxt day. it's left me in a stoopid state of mind. i wont go into it. but yeh... not the best at the mo... but still... better than usual. thinkin about this is starting to get 2 me, so.. next topic...

skool. its gone... now the people who mean alot 2 me... will have 2 start makin efforts =P... i cant wait... people who i want to c... will b seen! people who annoy the hell outta me, will b avoided. and i cant wait! will miss the "skool way of life" it was easy, got used 2 it =P was comfy... =P anyway. those of u who i've grown fond of, will not escape me, and for that i apologise =P but it cant b helped!

i'll c u guys in college ^^

love u always =)

(that wasnt the end =)... just a message 2 those trying 2 escape *evil laughs*)

anywhoo, sum events frm the near future... i hav... work =).. dnt think i sed i'm wrking now! which means!! IM ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE ESCAPE OF THIS EVIL HOUSE! i cant wait ^^ i'll be free... ish ^^ =) and i will hav people who love me around ^^ yay!

anywhoo i wrk ^^ and im wrkin later, then im being made 2 go.. dun dun duuuuuuuuun to like.. a party .. thing... for boss steph's bday. 60's style *shudders* im gonna look... awesome? =P lol.. we shall c... hmm i think im running out of things 2 say...

but i'll keep waffling anyway... i think..., i think i'll leave this now. b4 u all want to die, i would like very much for u to keep coming bk 2 read. ^^ no matter how boring u find this =)

anywhoo there'll b more posting soon!

oooo wait! SOME WAFFLE!

(WOAH ALMOST LOST THIS WHOLE POST! thank yoo blogger for saving the drafts automatically *breaks down in happy tears* )

anywhoo bk 2 waffle... exams!... hav my 1st 2 on tuesday (22nd), english lit and i.t.. i think i'll post after thems ^^ an keep u up to date with everyday crap, as always!

k... i think thats all... so.. umm...


The Bev

Tuesday 1 May 2007


=) Well hi! Getting a lil sleepy, but thought i would do the post i promised =)

The legend himself.

although the paper says otherwize...

....mines a tad more accurate!

anywhoo... Meet Richy. He be awesome. One of my bestest buds =) always there pour moi, always happy 2 listen 2 my crap. and actually one of my few blogger fans =P (thats also me by the by... yer... not good eh? =P)

Bk to Richy... it all began a while ago with a small forum. called Magpie =) hell yea! Pink Sox! XD that game... true genius. anywhoo chit chat began(mainly with my sister, but also lil chats avec moi) and aqaintance was made. occasional chats was what we did best!

talking declined =( and life moveded on....
but then!
Hide and Seek! XD... *hides*
and our aqaintance became a friendship ^^ and wat an awesome one tis.

now. we talk.. alot =P... although exams will be trying 2 hold us back. they will not prevail. we are too awesome. talking... deep talks, one of the few people i feel who can help.. *smiles* and i try to help in return..
Richy be a biiiig part of my life now =)
MSN is no fun without yoooo and summer will indeed rawk. *grabs bucket and spade*

anywhooo thats how this amazing-ness occured.
and it will keep going goddamn it! *nods*

Chit Chat Mr Richy. Yoo Legend!=)

The Bev

Monday 30 April 2007


well hi! im alive.. i made it bk from starbucks, with only a headache to prove it. too much coffee is not good =P but twas good then =) i luuuuurve starbucks, and i reeeealy want a job there =(... but we shal hav 2 wait and seee... wen i actually apply =P

posting... i cant really b arsed 2 b honest... *rolls eyes*... i know i hav lots 2 blog bout... but, meh... umm... sod it.. i'll type... and waffle on tis u click the magic "X" at the top... u know the one, i bet you're used 2 using it on this page. u must b great friends by now =P

k... well... starbucks, im applying for a job, i think everyone shon the crazy light on me infront of the manager guy... he'll either b impresed with my love for coffee or think im a total freak... we shall c 2 weeks after i giv in my application...

sod it, im 2 tired... been chatting... used all energy 4 that. shall post 2moro... =)



just like 2 saaay... im feelin muchos better. thanks for those who were conserned...(Richy =P ... either no1 reads or ur just the only one who cares. but thanks anyway)

anywhoooo i cudnt get my damn fone wrking so there was no other half to that post, just right on to a new one.

now... u may wonder y im happy, and har har, u can know =) im off 2 starbucks land... like... soon.. was gona say now... but i still hav abbooout 15 mins.. kinda depends on how long this takes... actually... bugger it... i shall get ready 1st..giv me a min..

hmm wat shoes... *ponders*... sod it. normal conversessess will do ... riiite... woops... gota a lil carried away... ooosh... anywhooo nxt post... im thinkin one on mr.richy cos i promised... a while ago, and havnt got round 2 it... *makes note* shall b done. i shall hopefully do it laters wen i get bk frm coffeee-land =)

oosh an i also need 2 post about the 90's cos me an sam had a lil talk =) umm also maybe a prom post ...

riiite i think imma hav 2 leave it there im afraid...

off 2 starbuck land


Friday 27 April 2007

Semi Post.

decided 2 post... i'm feeling odd... oddly ... unhappy, and its been a while ...very odd feeling to be coming back to me. i've been used 2 small unhappiness for... a while... but this is something different, im not too sure what... i just dont feel well... happy...

i have things to do, things i should be worrying about... things to keep my mind busy, but i keep drifting off into a whirlpool of crap really....actually to be honest, after being disturbed twice.. from this post, a post i thought would be... a good one... perhaps?... or atleast better than the last... i cannot be bothered to keep writing... if i figure out how 2 do this on my fone, i may giv it ago, but as for now... i think this is all... i do not have the energy to waffle on about pointless crap at the moment...

ta...for reading a semi-post..

The Bev

Tuesday 24 April 2007


I decided not 2 post again yestarday after i made pasta, cant make this become a habit now can i ? =P soon you will all die, with too much of the bev who knows the effects it could have?!..

anywhoo didnt get a damned reply frm "The Bitch" shes avoiding me, and wat a slag she is. i'll brick her house, its ok =)

bk frm skool, just sitting, thinking, listening 2 moosix... um... bout 2 get ready 2 watch the scarlets get stuuuuffed =) oosh shall b gd. been yearbooking today... actually i'll start at the begining, where all good stories start(or so i've heard)...

so, i woke... 8.15 (*hi5 sam!*) the latest i hav in a while. all ready to leave by 8.30... i opened the door and i froze, my little brother, being the lazy sod he is, was still in bed... and it was raining... quite alot... me being the "sugar cube"(will melt in rain =)..) i am i took a few steps back inside, and began to rush people around in order 2 get a lift. in the end, it worked. got to skool at 8.40 and just in time. magic.

science - and a small laughing fit about a small girl locking herself in the school toilets, for "undisclosed" reasons, we all had our take on it, and all had a laugh... but i .. cudnt stop laughin, all eyes on me for a lil while *shudders* and... my goofy laugh echoing around the room... oh well... twas fun... we didnt get our damned yoghurt tho =(

break came and i wondered if sam had made an appearence yet. he hadnt. i was to be alone in geography.

geography - boring, crappy, average, sam appeared, exam practice, OH YES! Sam appeared! wasnt too magical, i was expecting more of an enterance, but there was one atleast. i filled in my starbucks application and smelt coffee for the rest of the lesson.

lunch. suprisingly depressing, the day i needed a teacher, the day they disappear. it was amazingly unhappy this lunch, and i couldnt stand it, but *sings* dancing in the moonlight kept me going.

ahh the afternoon.arrived, and time for yearbooking. me and sam, being the amazing people we are, hav special priorities, must better than double d.t and drama =P but anyway. i now hav... dun dun duuuuuun STAFF PICTURES... on my fone = its scary. i dont like it. they will be deleted as soon as they r transported to the magical computer. me and sam, finished by the 1st hr, and decided to sit around in our office for the remaining hour. we chatteded, hugdeded, told a strange person we were having sexy time =) har har. our office, is now.. the sex grotto... perhaps, i'll run that by sam soon =P... anywhoooo

bored of typing, things to do... thanks for reading this crap guyses

this post. was amazingly crap compared to what i wanted it to be... but i cant remember my aim for this post. too late. oh well... har har.



Monday 23 April 2007


grr. things may be going well in terms of me moving out.. i think... i've suddenly decided im not so keen on moving out... i REALLY want to, but while all my friends can spend money on stuff they want ... i hav 2 pay rent... its gona b hard=(

i gotta get thru exams 1st tho, so i'll kick off with this damned french oral. i cant learn it this yr. i dont c the point, i freeze up and will end up failing anyway. i learnt it pretty damn well last yr an the yr b4, this yr. seems like a waste of time...i shud hav gon 2 starbucks... cept

i hav no money, and i need 2 cut bk... and... imma cookin pasta in a bit =P

still feelin prety crappy, i wana 4get bout silly french, and silly exams... and silly moving out and growing up. i just cant wait for things to be ok, me to hav money, happiness and free time... gona take work to get there if i ever can tho.

with the luck of my family its all gona go wrong soon. i can feel it, every good thing is followed by about 3 bad things which slowly kill...and will keep killing.

i shud be revising, but i cant.

i shud be atleast sitting up not being lazy, but no, im relaxing in the chair, leaning bk, legs up on the desk, keyboard on lap... if i can reach my fone i think i'll take a pic... if i can... make it look.. human =p feet r amazing, just turned on the lamp ready 4 my pic... after this i think i may actually wrk... wait, i wont...imma gona go make pasta =)

woosh that was fun...sooo... if i can reach the cable u can c how lazy im being... =P its really fun... i just added sum songs on itunes with just using keyboard.... its fun =)... if only there was a human online, all the fun humans r revising or starbucking... as for me, i am not human.... im siting her blogging =) just cos im THAT amazing.... i will work soon tho... i think....

just... finish this... then... pasta... then i'll wrk... wen i get bored i'll start yearbooking...

WHICH REMINDS ME! any 1 hav any ideas bout wat can b put at the end of a yr11 yrbook.... b4 we're shipped off 2 that college place =P


thank yoo 4 reading, enless u got bored and skipped til the end. then GO BACK AND READ! its not that bad, honest =)

*sings* Everybodys daaaancing in the mooonlight =)

Happy Happy. ish.



i think i'll utilise my mouse/"squeek-squeek" for the publishing of this post, its looking rather cold and lonely over there....

WOOOPS! almost 4got my pix... one moment please....*reaches for cable...* got it!... just a 2nd..awh... i had 2 utilise my mouse.. =(
that tis my feets... on my desk... lol.. ahh tis comfy =) will b gettin up 2 go pasta-ing soon tho.
*awaits reply*... *begins to whistle*....
will post again, after pasta, i shud hav a reply by then...
Enjoy Random Reader!

Thursday 19 April 2007

Well Hi!

Howdee Random Reader,

Decided to restart my blog-ness (old one being because it’s "ALL THE RAGE" at the moment =)

Umm... just going to be complaining 4 a while I guess =P it’s what I do best *cheesy thumb up*... well... umm let’s go!

I'm the Bev =)...I don’t know what to say... hmm...I don’t know if I should start a new blog... I’ll just get bored again... or I’ll say something stoopid or.... *shudders*

Been reading thru my old blog, realised how much crap I talk, and how dare I let u beautiful people read such crap. I do apologise, this may keep me sane... almost like a diary thing, but ... not... I think... when something fun/interesting/major-ly huuuuge happens I’ll just chuck a post on here, I don’t think I really have the energy to do it though... unless... *ponders* when I’m in bed a little later I’ll have a look an see if I can post one from my phone... then I cud do one in bed every night as I try to fall asleep... if i can b arsed...
my life isn’t really fun enough =P but anywho... as I’m sitting here typing I’m still trying 2 decide whether 2 post this... its all going to come down to the final moments when I feel my mind has gone blank and my mouse makes its way to the "publish" button... in that one moment, I can be taking up valuable time of your life. It’s quite an impact... without this post... u can read something perhaps WORTH reading... and if I click the button... your reading this...crap... and you've probably realised its reeeeeealy not worth the time =p but oh well. too late now... if I post this anyway...see how I’m feeling I supposemany times I’ve written something (usually emails) really deep stuff too, actually means hell of a lot, 2 me anyway. but then I change my mind and just close the damn window I’ve been typing in for hours, and have just given up writing because I don’t want to know what other people think... or how people will react etc etc =p... anywhoooooo on to something ... fun?... we'll seethis is really long... I think i maaaaaaay break it up, but I’ve said that b4... and then not... so ... um... I’ll keep going... har har, and I bet u just cant stop reading... strange thought of someone reading over this making sure I haven’t got spelling errors... not like abbreviated things...but... accidental spelling errors, odd thought =p ... now suddenly tempted to stop, and go back and change all the i's to I's and actually.... make its flow grammatically... oosh and should I... I think I will... rite, here we go...

i copied an pasted into word... well that was kinda sleepy... i think im going to give up this blog 4 2nite... i thiiiiink i'll post 2moro... and i mite post about today 2moro, kinda depends how im feeling.... hmm... anywhooo imma gona get bk into my sit-ups, i hav fears of geting fat and turing into my mother, so situps help=) then i shall disappear into my bed =) .... kk... soo im off

Love Yoo Guys... (if u are infact addicted 2 this crap =) its a bit... odd but if u like it, u'll get used to it... if not, i dont care =)

soooo bye bye

The Bev